
I think this was a joke? Rise Above is my favorite, people seem to think Bitte Orca is the most accessible though.

I've been on the fence about them for a while, but their appearance on Who Charted finally made me a full-on fan. I like them the most when they get a little aggressive with the hosts, such as their irritation with Chart Roulette. I'm excited now for their UK show.

I go to Pratt, but I've never seen any camera crews around. Actually, I was completely unaware of this show and that it's set at my college until my sister told me about it.

Yeah, you're right. It does sound like a pity party and not a really fucking awesome final show.

Yeah, thank you for the recommendations, A Man With Fingers. I've been wanting to listen to more of her stuff.

I would agree that pretty much everything is pop, I guess I was just trying to avoid that discussion for the sake of simplicity. I guess what I don't understand about people who say they don't understand it is that, to me, it's all essentially the same structure, just constructed in different ways. Certainly everyone

HipsterDBag, I feel like on every one of these write-ups you end up defending the terrible rock songs at the end of the NOW discs, and then go on to dismiss "pop music" as a whole. If you honestly dislike it, then you dislike it, but I think dismissing an entire genre of music because you think it's made for teenage

I'd read the recaps regardless.

I agree, I try to watch Frontline as much as possible, and having it discussed here would get me to watch the episodes in a timely manner.

You're right, it's not a firstie. I would also like to point out that apparently the First Act custom shop actually makes some really nice guitars. That's what I've been told, at least. I always thought it was all trash, too.

Tina Marina = Pretty damn sexy.

Zardoz and Castro: I've used iTunes for years and have very rarely had a problem with it. What media players do you recommend that are better?

Unpossible, what do you think should have been nominated this year then? I don't think Avatar and The Blind Side should be up, but I do think The Hurt Locker, A Serious Man, and Up were probably the three best movies of the year.

Also, I believe the collected version was published in 2000, so the Acme Novelty Library inclusion was a good way to work it in.

I'm going to go ahead and say that Mr. DBag is just fucking with everyone.

I may be seriously overlooking somebody, but what strictly (or at least mainly) comedic actor doesn't to a certain degree play the same or similar character over and over? Sure, comedic actors can do more serious roles (Bill Murray in Lost in Translation) but it seems like most comedy actors pretty much stick to a

Thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who appreciated it. Me and my siblings have made a tradition out of watching the court episode every Christmas.

I will go down swinging for the Clerks TV show. Right. Fucking. Now.

Whose balls?