i'm still not convinced Leprechaun: Origins is an actual film!
i'm still not convinced Leprechaun: Origins is an actual film!
Racoone Racooney—-a delightful romp about a young female squirrel's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.
I remember Arabian Knights—that was what i assumed at the time of its release as a cheapo animated cash-in that somehow got theatrical release—it starred Matthew Broderick's voice—and that's pretty much the extent of my knowledge of it now.
not today but certainly ten to fifteen years ago yes. today it would star like Matt Damon or someone else who works pretty non-stop regardless of genre.
I've had the book sitting in a pile of unread books for a good while now. Its long been towards the bottom of that pile (I think I bought it upwards of a decade ago now) but maybe i'll just read it now because fuck it why not?
Did you ever see Bob in the 1991 movie "Heart Condition?" It starred him as a racist cop forced to solve the murder of Denzel Washington's defense attorney—-because the ghost of Denzel won't stop badgering Bob to do it. Oh and Bob can see Denzel's ghost because he has Denzel's heart transplanted inside him.
i did not get to that one. There was a lot there—i think i only fully made it to a fourth of the films being screened (and that's only roughly) it was a month long exhibit tho!
John Kinsella?!?!?!?!? Hi John—this is Matt—Ira's son! what in the world are you doing here?!?!?!? (ahh the people you run into on the internet!!!)
imdb has it at 1962—in my head i had it at either 63 or 67.
TASM 2—Tasmer!
X Men Dofp—-Don't be a Dofp—Go see X Men Dopf!
the leprechaun could be mistaken for Lisa-I dunno. O Hai Leprechaun—You must be searching for your gold—Well its in the trunk of my car—but first you must let me film you answering a couple of questions. 1) How do you get the buckle on your hat so shiny? 2) how do you get your shoes to be so pointy?
no Shadow was on Arrow silly!
this is the sound of a thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters working on a thousand av club inventories and future for your consideration articles!
I saw this as part of a Dino Risi retrospect they had at MOMA back in late 09…and it was really interesting..Risi really helmed a lot of these big broad Italian comedies, but he also did a number of domestic family dramas as well (and yet even those were lively and a lot funnier than they'd have any right to be from…
the guy on the right is Vittorio Gassman who was a very high energy full of live kinda guy—he actually wasn't too far off from the silent film star Dujardin played in The Artisit except that Gassman had a lot more range and depth to him than you'd expect. (Its what makes the sudden turn in the last ten or so minutes…
ditto tho my mom did ask me why i didn't get it since Valentine Day's Massacre was a movie. Who was in that movie son? I don't know some guy—some guy named gabbo.
Quantum Leap was able to take chances because of its relatively low spotlighted position on nbc—and also its late night time slot helped (for most of its run it ran on Weds at 10)
Yeah Why Isn't Nashville The Top Pick?
Nashville! Nashville! Nashville! Nashville! (shakes head) (Ohmygod you guys tonight we're totally gonna see how Juliet handles Scarlet's falling apart during her concert tour!) WHY DO I KNOW THAT?!?!?!?!?
i know what you mean given the sheer number of boring shows i subject myself to week in week out but i wouldn't have considered Almost Human one of them. I thought the cases were made interesting if anything because of their "future" technology which in some instances like that radar bullet was pretty cool.