Nanu Nanu
Nanu Nanu
i know Enlisted wouldn't count as "having a faint pulse" given its ratings but damnit i won't be happy until i hear fo sure one way or the other! KEEP IT ALIVE FOX!
thanks to tv i can't remember what happened 8 minutes ago!
CSI Cyber Rendering would be too close to what they did on Intelligence most weeks.
But CSI Meh! would be a great addition to the CSI franchise tho.
24 Is The Festival Of Lights.
its not that bad—its basically Frasier-esque but instead of Frasier and his brother getting into a misunderstanding—its an entire extended family. The show week in week out in terms of plotting, dialog, and even line delivery reminds me a great deal of Frasier and that's not a bad thing at all to remind one of.
I like the show most weeks in all honesty (the chemistry between everyone still holds up fine) but damn if this doesn't NAIL the general descriptions of most episodes.
i don't know—i barely knew who Von Braun was—(i only heard of him cause i saw that movie they did about him one night on tcm—"I aim at the stars") i think he's just one of these guys whom the schools have just stopped teaching about at this point.
(slowly raises hand) my mom actually liked seeing the ny times writers—she actually said "Ohh that's what Frank Bruni looks like—i read him all the time!"
You mean you're not in favor of a movie franchise in which our species is killed off little by little until there's barely any of us left? (seriously when i read that they were doing a sequel my thought was basically—wait who are we supposed to root for here exactly?)
Jersey Boys is now a movie? Walk Like A Man Fast As I Can—Walk Like A Man My Son-uh-uh-unnn
Sonic isn't an X Man?
its not the skyscraper tall lizard who destroys cities—its the humditiy.
Amsterdaam. He can smoke a bowl with marlon wayans because why not?
…well someone had to say it.
Warwick Davis wants his daughter back.
is this Leprechaun adjacent???
i also would've relished the opportunity to sing the title to the tune of All You Need Is Love. Didn't the studio think at all about the people who think they're funny but are really not demographic??? because that's a good demo to have in your pocket dagnavit.
look clearly Lea Dunham wouldn't have cast him if she didn't think he was handsome.