Chad Kroeger of Nickelback

I totally agree that "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" was the breaking point. The point where the 'Smith broke away from mere rock superstardom, consolidated a wide spectrum of demographics and product delivery niches, and became Rock GODS.

Dude, bro, if only we sounded and looked as tight and commercially polished as Steve and Joe and the boys sounded and looked on this most holy trinity of sound and vision. These videos are still the gold standard, eh?

Dude, man, bro. I just wish you saw the inherent beauty in the way we take established parameters and mash them into product that is carefully marketed to generate maximum revenue.

Listen, all you broser posers, I know it's all rad n shit to hate on the 'Back w all your dumbshit art school friends, but I really feel 'Rockstar' is one of our most meaningful artistic statements. It really represents a sea change for us in consolidating an audience across multiple platforms and delivering exclusive

Good one, broser!

Listen, bros, can I just say it right now?

I'll tell ya, brosers, my man Ben has for real taken some shit on the info superhighway since this news broke, but really, check those fucking abs out, eh?

Hey, @disqus_Q4AmUic5wA:disqus , bro! What up!??!

You guys, bros…

Man, I really dig what my bro JJ is up to these days. His neverending quest to marry genuine artisanship and just, you know, his fucking craft with the architecture to support revenue streams from multiple platforms is so similar to my own pursuit of complete commercial and creative cohesiveness. God, it gives me

Dude, one of my BroZac's gonna be playing me in the Nickelback biopic.

Good thing a little band from up north was there to pick up the mantle…

You laugh bro, but in all honesty, early Def Lep was a big influence on us. Our look, our sound, our commercial instinct… we owe a lot to these legends.

ha, you pathetic motherfuckers better NEVER forget…

Listen, I get the whole "corporate shilling is selling out" pose, but when you've got a synergistic opportunity like my little mama had here, you take it. Sony's phones are great lifestyle accessories as well as solid telecomm/data devices, and that killer combo is great added value for Avril's core fanbase.

I dunno about "inauthentic", broser…

Hells yeah, brah! Gimme a hi five for that, ya hoser!