Clearly, our definitions of "whimsical" are wildly different.
Clearly, our definitions of "whimsical" are wildly different.
Only if it's erect.
Depp sounds like the fun Jared Leto.
I can't ever watch him in anything again because of that episode.
I'll always be a "Souffle Girl" kinda guy.
It's like they were trying to write an article about superhero media. Crazy, right?
Buffy's Giles is kind of the de facto father figure. Our Giles is more of the creepy uncle sort.
Supernatural is waaaay past the wedding phase. That was S7.
"Academy Award Winner Nicolas Cage."
Once every seven years is enough, otherwise it just loses the novelty.
Hank in some of the early episodes, mainly S1, doesn't exactly line up with his character later on. Namely his love of Willie Nelson in that one episode. Sure, he may appreciate his music and talent as a musician, but I don't see Hank really jiving with Willie's politics. Although, he might just blame that on the…
Frank and rum ham.
I, for one, welcome our new Kirk/Spock canon.
Yes, I said that.
Case in point: Batman Begins. It's the most overdone origin story there is yet they take it to new and interesting places (at least for film). In my opinion it's the best "origin story" film there is, give or take an Iron Man, although, that one had the benefit of being fresh at the time.
I have furry friends. Not the ones that go to the lengths of actually wearing fursuits but still identify as furry. They have "fursonas" and everything. I've come to the realization that the fandom is alright. In fact, they're mostly really chill. They just want to express themselves this way. Nothing wrong with that.…
My favorite was when they had everyone over for dinner they covered all the holes Mac put in the wall with pictures.
Am I the only one that thought parka Jake was a dead ringer for Captain Cold?
I'm sure her take on Cock Knocker will be very interesting for… uh… reasons.
Not even Bobby Hill could get excited for this dreck.