Now that is a Wes Anderson film I'd gladly plant down money to see.
Now that is a Wes Anderson film I'd gladly plant down money to see.
I knew my love for that episode wasn't misplaced and that it was unfairly reviewed here.
I think my only problem with Elba as Bond is that I don't think Bond should have facial hair. Has anyone ever actually seen him without it? I don't even want to fathom the thought.
As much as I want to hate "She," and on the whole it really is a terrible episode, I just can't fully despise something that gave us Angel and Wes dancing.
It was always about the characters.
This season has to be one of the best reviewed seasons of any show in A.V. Club history right? Nothing less than two B+'s, one that I think really deserved at least an A- and the other being a (necessary) exposition episode.
Anansi Boys is supposed to be an in-universe sequel of sorts, isn't it? I haven't actually read it despite owning it for years.
The real coda? Hannibal coerces Will to join him for Mexican at the mall and after they do video karaoke.
Regular Show's half-hour specials, of which tonight's episode is, are always top notch so it should be a good time under a dome for once.
I don't think I'd wish fighting Rousey on even my worst enemies let alone someone I actually like.
And instead of fighting for a championship belt they battle for Laurels copious amount of Black Canary belts.
"And I'm the president of the Howdy Doody circus!"
I can pretty much guarantee that a "frell," "frak," or "gorram" leaves my mouth at least once a day.
It's impossible for me to see someone I know and not greet them with an "Oh hai."
"Streets ahead," and if you have to ask why, well, you're just streets behind.
Oh, cool, a sequel to Whiplash.
Only if the ice cream machine guy runs to your table and makes your desert.
So I had to sit through this thing because of the girlfriend. Now,when I tell you that I guessed the twist months ago I want you to know that it was with just passing knowledge of the show and having read an interview with the showrunner.
I kind of wish it went into "Home Alone" mode earlier but I don't know if they could have kept that unabashed energy up for much longer than they did.