Your Nerd Boyfriend

On the 6. Jesus Christ, the youth of fucking today.

Leonard Pierce,
You're my hero.

How about the one where he dies?

An episode of Oz would be great, since it really paved the way for most of our current favorites of cable drama. Maybe A Game of Checkers or the one where Chris and Vern beat the shit out of (S P O I L E R ! ! ! ! ! ! ) Toby.

The Apocalypse Now episode.

The Family Ties two-parter with the death and the ghost and the therapist is great. Really an abstract episode. The gag where Alex can tell how much cash (in change) is dropped on the ground from the sound is pretty sweet. Good call, Who Else?

From her website:
"How To Like It.

Big Fish crushed me.


I saw that movie while working at a video store, in the two years I took between high school and college while pursuing rocknroll as a vocation. Damn near gave me a nervous breakdown.

The Body is probably King's best work. The stories within the story elements, the too-smart narrator and the horror that comes from the natural all seem to be culminations of his forms.

Now I get it. Without LOLz or emoticons, I get kinda lost. My apologies.

pedantry (noun) - having nothing better to do than scour the internet for the mis-titling of a Who classic

No such song exists. There is, however, a Who song called "Baba O'Reilly" that has lyrics referring to a "teenage wasteland." Perhaps this is the CSI theme you were thinking of?

It's more of a slide than an arc, though. Sometimes it feels like Tony will hit the bottom and start swinging upwards, but it never happens; the descent always continues.

You pretentious party-line mugs are missing out on the genius and beauty of Wish by drawing the line at Disintegration. The line belongs after Wish, which should have been a perfect end.

I can. Just throw on some Shaq Diesel and bounce-bounce.

Believe it or not, I understand how pilots work.


That Craigslist Show?
Oh, man, I'd totally watch that. Let me know when it's on.