Auntie Entity

Thank you.  I feel validated in forgetting to wear my glasses.

I misread number 9 as referring to Jerry Lewis, which made it both utterly baffling and highly entertaining.

Oooh, Kelly MacDonald would have been awesome.  Oh, what could have been…

I would take Bringing Out the Dead over Gangs of New York.  Not-as-hammy Nick Cage, and 100% less Cameron Diaz!

The Tom Hardy rain-dance worked!

The thought of this murders the lunch I just ate.  *yarp*

They're all stars now, in the pope show.

I  thought Showtime had filled their pope-show quota with The Borgias.


Prince, the little tease, played the first few bars of Darling Nikki. And then stopped abruptly, leaving most of the audience with metaphorical azure gonads.

Maybe she'll slip on a forgotten bit of soap.

No Lanegan, no want.

The Lee Pace Rain-Dance! It works!

He looks like he would be huggy.  Is he huggy?

I assumed that by "tiny little operation," Mary went off and spent a few minutes with a guy who didn't have a spinal bruise.  Bam, pregnant!

I was glad to see Cora take a bite out of him in this episode.  Its about time somebody did.

Read that as "farty, wanged Loch Ness monster". Oh, the mental images that conjured…..