
Hey, neat user name!


What the fuck is with streaming music with no readily obvious volume control?

God fucking damn it…there really is no such thing as bad press, is there?

Awesome; thanks!

Can anyone give me a Gateway to Geekery for The Hold Steady? Been meaning to check them out for a while especially reading of post-hardcore influences etc.

Her entire career has been an epic meditation on intangibility.

I've seen saw. Have you seen Saw, too? Have you seen Saw II? I've seen a see-saw, too.


Punishing heaviness? I'm listening to this on studio monitors and it you can barely hear the drums at all

See who gives a FUCK

Definitely burgeoning.

No matter what story I've just read, I always seem to have my intellectual and/or emotional palate cleansed immediately by the knowledge that the Father of a Glee star has been murdered in the Philippines.

Chicken, meat, etc. Black cop.

She was asking for it.

Not only will I not acknowledge any part of that statement, I will continue to detract in Drake's direction.

Drake and Nicki Minaj are terrible and I will never understand why so many critics lately insist on talking about their music as if it has any special value that all the other terrible pop music out right now lacks. What am I missing? I have tried listening to both of them but good lord do their voices grate and their

Thank you, Jesus! Now the internet can move on to affecting other aspects of offline reality, like changing the Penn State mascot to Pedobear, etc. etc.


War Hors d'oeuvre