It's been awhile since I read the books, but I feel like they said that Panem is much smaller than the existing continental U.S., that a lot of the far West was lost to encroaching coastlines or something.
It's been awhile since I read the books, but I feel like they said that Panem is much smaller than the existing continental U.S., that a lot of the far West was lost to encroaching coastlines or something.
@avclub-8f1899cdb606a3c7a0aa80d617eb123b:disqus Quinto was one of those "my personal life is no one's business but my own" gays all the way through Heroes. Then he came out during a rash of gay teen suicides. He said, "it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it - is…
The ones that make me disappointed in humanity are "50 People Who Everyone Thinks Are Hot But They Are NOT" lists.
@avclub-404bf1488e33d41a4a4df6157a10cadc:disqus I used to volunteer (as a dogwalker) at a rescue society where one day the director sat all us volunteers down, and he was like, you're all going to hear my speech now. And he delineated the difference between a no-kill policy and the policy of the rescue. He said they…
"Tornado" also. Honorable mentions: "Favorite," "The Pharaohs," and "Deep Red Bells," and also everything else she ever sang.
One of my favorite bits she ever did on Twitter (P.S. she's awesome on Twitter) is this tweet she did from the POV of her dogs, something like, "That's cool, we're going to go lay on your bed and lick our assholes." Which is so…what dogs do.
Yes. But if you're not sure, listen to one of her recorded concerts on the NPR site:…
When I saw her during the Middle Cyclone tour, she was wearing a baggy button-down and Bermuda shorts. Couldn't tell if she had makeup on but her hair was all wild. (Kelly Hogan was wearing a pantsuit.)
Dealbreaker: The Book for You Man No Good. By Lesbian Yellow Sour Fruit.
That's the first thing I thought. It especially concerns me that the girl is in literature. So the writers rifle through some Cliff's Notes, then make her the mouthpiece for that point they were totally going to make in freshman comp that time but the prof just wouldn't call on them. I can't even imagine what writers…
This was years ago, but I remember being on West Wing forums and everybody hated her because her character was dating Josh and the Josh-Donna shippers didn't like it. And I posted that I kinda liked her character, and then everybody hated me.
That's exactly my thought. I'm not bothered by him being on the cover or the subject of a cover story. But he shouldn't look so much like he belongs on the cover of Rolling Stone. There should be some otherness involved there, some, "We are interested in this guy solely because we can't understand the evil he did."
@The_Primordial_Dr_Zoidberg:disqus She likes 'em burly, too. Her boyfriend is an English bulldog.
And I got my Disqus and AV Club accounts crossed. I am also Erin W.
@avclub-de9878e9d33c60263a094abc94fab3f0:disqus Hmm. Maybe you're right. I know "Harvest Festival" was the first one they filmed back from hiatus/Poehler's maternity leave. And that Pratt looked really good in that episode. But the internet is telling me that was probably too early. So never mind my parenthetical.
@K.Thrace: Zimmerman is only 28, really? My God, he looks terrible.
I didn't even think that line was subtle. If it had been "Are you afraid you're going to miss your plane?" "No." it would be completely different. They both knew he was going to stay, that they were going to throw caution to the wind, the only ambiguity for viewers was how the consequences were going to manifest…
Movies can hit so close to home like that. A few years ago I was in the process of breaking up with someone (4-year live-in relationship) and was forced by a film class to sit in a classroom surrounded by my peers and endure The Squid and the Whale. It was harrowing.
You'd think they'd have a stage manager or page or somebody waving their hands like, "Don't say anything." Like the reverse of the "Applause" sign. Or maybe they did and the poor tweens still didn't get it.
I have always liked this movie. I still have it on video floating around in my house somewhere. It's quick-moving, it's got a good mid-movie twist, and I did find it funny.