Ape Froman

These geeks are used to waiting.

You're thinking of sand people.

I like to call them 'appe'teasers'!

Que James Brown.

I had always wanted to board as a child but never had the chance. Now, as a middle-aged man, I finally got to live the dream, and I've been enjoying it for a few years. I was unprepared, however, for the instant hate I would receive on the mountain.


She should have just made peace with him and Embraced the Vampire.

…as long as one Van Damme does not touch another.


Now, that we are so happy, we do the dance of joy!

President Ronnie?

That's 'Lord' Dunsany to you.

There's some emulation to be had, but do it at your own risk. It's not compatible with modern society. That passive resistance will kill you in the end.

Turning what ON?

Shell yeah!

This ain't comic con!

"Here’s the smell of the piss still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, Oh, Oh!"

It Comes at Night 2: Secret of the Ooze

They're more into hoodies.

Redundant job, Internet!