Ape Froman

Was the Dave Sim issue supposed to be funny, because I remember laughing pretty hard at it. But I guess I have that reaction to Dave a lot.

Well, Thor got a sister out of the deal.

Just like that time you confused Al Simmons with that other Al Simmons.

Say what you want about the tenets of Latverian socialism, but at least it's an ethos.

Really? Pray tell, how do they work?


Wow, forgot about Skullcap —- an incredibly expensive card, until suddenly it wasn't.

I find artifact blocks boring. Memories of myrs have a lot to do with it.

You would think that without recoil they would have been better marksmen.

Yet oddly enough, one cannot purchase a Shirt n' Ernie's t-shirt at Shirt n' Ernie's t-shirt shop. Disappointing!

Lords of Light!

The influence of a TacoBell beef laximelt from the looks of it.

That's not how they're pronounced in Sauk Rapids.

Slimy yet satisfying.

I guess, I'm not sure what this has to do with Deadpool. Wait, is this not my aunt's Facebook page?

Great story. Maybe I do actually like hope in my dystopias. Nice surprise.

Send in a stunt dick.

Well, it is Hickory Nick's specialty.

They can change a character's race all they want, as long as they don't change anything integral to a person's development or identity — like hair color.

He's a magic man, mama.