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    Thanks Obama!

    They look about right for each other. Neither is particularly not pasty and plain.

    I got the Wii at launch, it turned out to be a mistake in hindsight. There were a few playable games for it but I haven't played it in at least a year (it's not even connected to the TV).

    Hotchie Motchie!

    I really hope there's no such thing as Sesame Street slash fiction?

    Bringing Bags

    Yahoo mail has become unusable.

    Why listen to a College Dropout who couldn't even sign up for class on time

    I lost ten grand on that game

    In my house we celebrate "Bastille Day"

    I think that was the idea.

    Clearly How I met Your Mother was a universe created by Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer through magic.

    Life is unfair

    you are the blurst!

    Francis is Saul

    If it was really reported by buzzfeed it would have been 28 separate GIFs with captions.

    Unions don't have the same type of money corporations do. You think the Teamsters can compete financially with the Koch Brothers?

    Look! Somebody's attractive cousin!

    At some point I should just google "Watch King of the Hill" and click on the first result.

    Still stuck without King of the Hill though