Evan Conover

Werner Herzog
Filming involving man's futile struggle against nature, featuring a deranged Klaus Kinski and/or bears ahead. Be alarmed.

Agreed on the epic Gathering of the Juggalos show, and really any appearance by noted comedienne Paul F. Tompkins. Steamroll the chumps!

Yes! In our Classics dep't, nothing made the department chair laugh louder and longer than "Today's Women Don't Like it When You Come to Them as a Bull or Swan," by Zeus:

"Rack me, J-Stew"

Just from reading his columns for years, I got an inkling that he had a lot more to say outside the bounds of the sports world. The podcasts definitely helped show off his pop culture side beyond what showed up in his columns. The podcasts with Klosterman are interesting because they're each famous for one thing

When I saw reviews referring to the movie using the phrase "morality play," I knew that someone was going to wind up getting screwed (or screwed beyond the point of being fair), just like in "Tales from the Crypt" and the like. I'm not convinced that Lohman did anything particularly evil, she just got hit with

Yes to Bojangles. Yes indeedy.

Does Waltz know how it got burned?

"Forget it, Jake. It's Cougartown."

The '90s relief pitcher goatee/soul patch is still out there. Wonder how long before that one runs its course.

I used to read Reilly first thing, too.

Texts From Last Night is downright hypnotic.

I used to read ESPN.com all day before the site redesign and the increase in podcasts from the writers in place of written content. Other than the Sports Fella and the preview/midseason MLB and NFL features, I hardly spend any time over there anymore. Rick Reilly? Really?

Oh, the Nic Cage "Wicker Man" is worth the watch. Check out the MYOF entry, and enjoy the sweet, sweet crazy.

A little Executive, like James Madison?

So no on the TRL-style sign holding? Dang.

Taste the delicious taste! Suck it down!
He's having a tasting at a Whole Foods or a TJ's or somesuch up here in the Boston area. I may have to check it out. Faded black Tool t-shirt, don't fail me now!

Comparisons with "Gomorrah"
I saw "Il Divo" last night, and I agree that the complex politics and mafia/Vatican relationships can be pretty baffling. But the story pulses along with all that aside, and it seems to make the point that everyone involved was up to no good.

Yeah, I lived in RI in the '90s, and the OBEY campaign was a very interesting thing to observe, since you had all these stickers showing up on stop signs, store windows, etc., without explanation, except that they were somehow connected to the skate shops. The publicity surrounding his show at the ICA in Boston (and

Tom Friedman is under indictment in several countries for his shameful abuse of metaphors.