guy whitey corngood

I loved Dr. P. I have this total creepy image of her in my head — and don't ever really want to see some hollywood construction of her destroy what I'm imagining.

So far, this summary has most reflected my take on the book — and so this is where I want to toss in my hackneyed 2cents.

"Also, every city in America that is somewhere near a river refers to itself as River City. "

Sod off then, all of you.

'But all-knowing Richard could have been like "I'm gonna give him this less rusty one instead" i.e. C1. '

Kinda ugly. Something about him being dissatisfied that another African actor was handed a drug dealing role and….yadda yadda…..
I'd look up his name and details right now, but I can't be bothered.

Well I may, Mr. Thats Mr Fhtagn to you. Well I may….

"fishing on the Thames, doing whatever it is they do, completely and finally removed from all this craziness."

Wow…a whole thread on foxy Lost women, and no one called dibs on Sun????

"The interior is very similar to US Gato-class submarines from the same period."

Is Daniel himself a magic island baby then??
Perhaps among the LAST humans ever conceived ON island to not die during birth?
Ji Yeon, then, has a bright future as a maniac of some kinds then, huh?

The compass (along with the rope in the well) has been my favorite aspect of the time travelly stuff.

I really think Adam and Eve are Penny and Desmond.

Well, I understand his motivation for wanting to build it, but …. the way it was handed off to Charlie, and the way that then it was *never* mentioned/seen/referenced again has always made me feel that it was an aborted plot line. I really think that Eko was slated to be THE significant tailie, and everything they'd

A magical invention that turns my 5 chords into, like, 30!

Sadly, I agree that Sun's delivery tonight was really really weak.

In 2006, I was living in China and kind of randomly bought a bootlegged set of Season 1 DVDs (thus beginning my love affair and addiction).

That adventure music — and the aerial shot — in the Season 3 finale, with Jack lifting the sat-phone to his mouth asking, "do you have a lock on our coordinates?" and THEN [whoosh] cut to him future, a-bearded, screaming "WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!!"

"Of all the characters she has never really had anything important to add to the story or a destiny to fufill….maybe I don't like her cuz she don't get into the mystical shit."

"unlike last season and to some extent seasons 3 & 2, i for one have absolutely no idea what is going to transpire in the season finale."