
Daniel Sharman comes second to Crystal Reed on the acting abilities of the teens on this show (in my opinion).

I've seen two interviews where Tyler has saying he'd like to see Scott being acknowledged as part mexican (since he is himself). He recently did one for Cosmo Latino!

very true! Scott McCall don't sound like your typical Latin@ names but I think that's a good thing! Even more the reason to acknowledged some Latin@ background! Show that not every latin@ is called Carlos Santiago Rodriguez. And don't jinx it! We still have Deaton's 'sister'….

oop wrong reply

It's more than obvious Teen Wolf is trying to rival The Vampire Diaries, especially with the boost of ratings in TVD lately.

No Cora will disappear to South America again, duh!

1. Sigh, it felt so forced. I was so happy when Allison and Lydia immediately looked at each other (because I'm always here for sisterhood storylines) but no…she must depend on a boy (and I say this as a male).
2. I hope she doesn't get killed off another show! Poor girl can't get some slack :(
3. She was actually in

watch The First Time.

I'm mad at that blatant Scisaac meta! I see you Jeff Davis - scisaac is real whether you like it or not!!!!!

Is it bad I texted my friend during that scene saying "wtf why aren't scott and stiles shirtless?"

He's Buffy without the acting abilities…

Isaac's frank sass is making him the Anya! But I think this new Kitsune character who is over 1000 years old posing as a teenage girl will surely fit that 'homage'

Lydia has some of Cordy too (mean 'bitch' girl with zero agency who takes on a demonic power and 'redeems' her past habits of being regina george). But yes, this is all very correct although you could argue that Allison is Angel and Scott is Buffy, either way it's all a blatant…'homage'

I agree with @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus - I enjoy Carrie's very thorough and funny reviews of TVD! Hope she can take over for TW in January

Oh I just posted my comment saying the exact same thing about the buffy thing but I'm glad someone else saw it!

Mama Argent was foxy too…

Super upset they didn't make him latino (or they did and didn't reference it), because I'm annoyed Scott's cultural background hasn't been acknowledged yet considering Tyler Posey won an ALMA for his role…

I liked this episode, definitely an A- considering the shitstorm of episodes we've been getting lately. I hope they don't try and 'redeem' Scott's dad (interesting how he isn't called McCall too - so sweet Scott took his mum's name!), because that would suck considering how heroic/amazing Melissa is as a single parent.

Oh funny. A woman liking a woman makes her like a "half-man". I get it.

Don't worry - Crystal confirmed that in the first episode of season 3b her and Isaac make out (awkward considering their real life break-up)