benchwood puntkick

Ugh, the "Crazy 88"… it probably sounded good to QT as he was fantasizing about Uma Thurman and trying to come up with formidable opponents for her character, but come on. To put a number on it implies that they're actually formidable. In the fight scene, they're all so easily defeated that it's like 88, 87, 86….

Indeed, "Kill Bill" is dullsville, just awful. It's only fun if you enjoy cringing at how awful it is. E.g. (and there are plenty), the scene where Thurman and Fox are fighting in the house and the daughter walks in and they stop fighting and hide their weapons behind their backs and start talking to the kid in

Right you are - and that's a bad miss by me (hanging my head in shame)

These are my O.R. scrubs

Movies I Like A Lot But The Review Was From Before There Was A Comments Section, Case File No. 0063

Walter, this isn't the Emma Stone who built the railroads here

Oh, and "literally" is also important for telling jokes. One time I heard a judge give a speech in which she relayed an anecdote about how the court was getting behind schedule in hearing cases, and said, "our docket was literally exploding…"

Indeed - and it's an important word. Say you have a huge party and your guests drink 50 kegs of beer. If you were telling that story, the listener might take your "my guests drank 50 kegs of beer" as hyperbole, like okay they drank a lot of beer, whatever, etc. But using "literally" lets you convey that wow, that

Agreed re: great performances in "Naked". However, while I haven't seen it in a while, if I remember correctly, the cast did not literally set anything on fire.

Did I get my spoiler? Or… did my spoiler… get me?

"It Comes At Night 2: Iie, It, Iie!"

He's just a little horse

Shouldn't this movie have a "Spoiler Space" review link? I mean, who is the "it" and where does it "come" from and is "night" like immediately at sundown or do they prefer not to come around dusk/dawn if at all possible, etc?

I'm neither here nor there on PT Anderson (liked "There Will Be Blood" a lot, liked some of his other movies more than others, etc) but I'll always root for him because he's a huge fan of ZAZ, says it's his life's dream to make a movie half as great as "Airplane!", etc.

They can do anything in movies, with lighting and camera tricks and so forth.


"Top Secret!" is one of those where (and your mention of Christopher Villiers made me think of this) it seems like everybody is on exactly the same page, in a movie for which it seems like it would be very difficult to get everyone even close to being on the same page.

Movie magic = how they made it look like that cow took a drag off the cigarette while it was picking the lock

How do we know he's not Mel Torme?

"I know a lot more about jets than most people. Okay? Believe me."