Stalin Lives

Yeah, i can easily buy the whole Walternate is evil and calculating like that. After all in the alterverse its Peters mom that teaches him the coin trick, not Walternate.


I would demand a space suit to do that kind of shit.

I always thought that Walter was talking about science being god in the "peter" episode, I dont know where everyone gets this "Walter thought he was god" thing from.

Well yeah, but did Drew pay the troll toll?

This is the first I have heard of something called RSS. I too used to rock the DOS Prompt, and was rather pissed when I tried playing an old computer game on a newer computer and realized that they dont even let you access DOS anymore. Now I have to run a goddamn DOS emulator on my computer, which is a little funny,

Yeah, the Cold War sure was the good old days. Better than these pussy little terrorists running around these days.

1981, Oh those great days of the early internet, BBS's and whatnot. It's weird because I was all about the internet when it was really getting started, now I barely care for it at all and this is one of the very few websites I even bother with.

I really want to know some of these lies.