
I'm sure I'm not alone
Am I really the only one who thinks that Darnielle's work and live performances, generally speaking and especially with full length albums, have been borderline duds since 2005?

Who flies from Newark to Atlantic City?
Anyone else notice the black bachelorette party getting of Carol's Newark-Atlantic City flight? I guess they really liked that joke.

Jacob straight up said, "No, Jack you're better than your dad."

On first blush, 'candidate' is such a rich term for us, but they really have given us almost nothing to qualify it. Whose candidate? For what role? Locke has apparently been used for a role, but he's been crossed out and is presumably no longer a candidate.

I think Christian is more likely to be an associate of MIB than Jacob. All of Jacob's string pulling that we've seen has taken place off the island, in the real world (Sawyer, Kate, Jack). Based on the similarities between the reanimation of Locke and Christian, I really have begun to think that MIB can pull strings

The island as a game
We keep brushing with the whole show as chess or backgammon. I think it would be helpful to hammer out more rough, physical examples to really talk about the themes of opposites we've seen through the whole show. The one that warps me the most is the reflections we see in Jacob/Esau vs Ben/Widmore.