the turquoise cow

Yay! I like TNG but I have to say I've always preferred DS9 overall. I vote for doing them separately, if only because my brain will be confused going back and forth from one show to the other.

Richard Schiff was the best part of the whole show. This exchange had me laughing out loud:

Language acquisition in television/movies is generally unrealistic. See: any war movie in which it is possible to impersonate a German soldier by speaking English with a fake German accent.

Improper apostrophe use is the thing that makes me scream the most. Do they pay this guy to write these reviews? It seems like he spends two minutes on each one.

a guy i work with recorded the audio of an episode of the Joy of Painting and frequently uses the sound of Bob's voice to help him fall asleep. We laughed at him, but agreed.

nope. i didn't realize how stupid either of them was until i saw them in something other than NewsRadio. Now, I hate Andy Dick, and Joe Rogan is annoying. Every time i saw Fear Factor commercials i felt like throwing something at the TV and saying "You're better than this, you moron!"

yeah, and why was he barking at the sandwich? should he have been, like, sniffing and whining at it? do little barky dogs like him often bark at their food before they eat it?

maybe it was to show that sylar got his crazy killing style from his dad, and was inspired a long time ago by this ancient meory thing.

yeah, she's a possibility, but i'm putting my money on Micah. I did think he was pretty cool, what with actually USING his powers and WANTING to use his powers, unlike every other person on the show, who was all "I want to be normal." seriously, people. It's a show about people with powers. could one of them USE their