
hmmm weeds eh? i don't like this show.

im a riker man now picard is good and all but riker oooo riker


have fun in hell
'it unforgivable'

i love mac book for surfing the web and listing to music or watch a dvd built in camera but its like atoy compared to a desktop pc. force quit works well though.

also jersey shore is all snookie she owns that show one of the funniest girls on tv i think. the rest of them suck cept for robs girlfriend puts on the galsses then shes kinda hot but thats it.

well i dunno about that i mean if i wrote a critical essay on the hollow men…. It was about scarecrows" thats not a good critic and its fine to slash them down just like in the smashing pumpkins disarm song. i dont hate the show like tis funny enough i tihnk that i hate the culture and fans it attracts.

it got the saget bumb ive seen about three seconds… growing up gotti was far suprior. i feel its a joke show like they took the idea from cabin fever where you pretty much hate all the charectors same deal with some of the slashers so you dont care if they die but in this show the main joke is theres just no one to

barrymore should be the annoucer for kilborn's new show that show would probably stay on the air at least! it would be bad.

her stuffs too hardcore for me as well.

you can make fun of her thats hat the show is for obviously and tits but ya i mean i dont think the next gathering will get good drugs probably bad shit passed.

fuck you WW its a joke her show is joke man even more then snookies i love that bitch now forever.

also im the smugest cunt youll ever meet and im a dude.

hey pubes how do you stop six blacks guys from raping a white girl? throw them a basketball! hahahahahahahahaha thats how much i fucking hate you. lazy humor, i bet your ugly.

but at least amilie gillette can fill up her her collum easier now!

i dont get it why are these so popular? that bat doesn't even look real! its almost like a bunch of mormons got together and tried to make a movie that was not so boring as NApoleon dynomite!

hahaha frenchmen.

they did its called now they are 40 and bernie mac is funnier then dr dre.

cubes a genius a rennisance man who desings houses also "boom boom boom yea i was gunnin then you look all see is niggas runnin falling and screaming and yellin and cusin so i stepped back and i kept bustin'

best rapper alive
'best rapper alive'