
@clank clank clunk surfjans not a hipster special wood stock transplant I'm sure of it.

point break cmon you can do it neo.

in times of yore the prophets fore told of 2012 and y2k… The world might be able to deal with 2012 but we still have not recovered from y2k killer bees still have wings fire ants roam the streets unstamped! third times the charm so they say well thats three events not counting nine eleven or saddams death or the

remeber when little ceasers had strombolies? fuck that was awesome.

ya i never watched the show or read the shitty comics but number 2 was good as was turtles in time. number 2 had a bunch of bebop and rocksteady a muscial number might be nice? some sort of limpbizcut thing where like bebop raps and rocksteady plays electric guitar … kayne should play bebop and toby keith can play

mmm for april i think they should cast her black. i think its agood idea caue there was no black dudes in that show at all! but of italian turrtles (eating pizza) a white girl and then animals and splinter was like quasi asian before transformation. apirl or aprils boss should be black. like she is apaper reporter

i did not like that film but bigknobs and broomsticks was good. not that funny.

Bay is a hero. his mastery of modern technology/casting stratagies ensure that grand visions like Transformers and possibly clash of the titans don't go overboard. but i agree on notbook goslin is terrible the believer has to be the worst movie in the history of the world! gosslin is so bad its funny! oh god the

race traitor

my personal fav is the parrot bit the parrot phone call. (if i can help it sometimes anyways) good and the best ever. jew lover your a beast. 2 racist for my tastes. I don't eat pork btw. (last line see above in brakets) and another thing, that was probably the most desprate unfunny post/slash visual gag in the

winnona! a better choice for the funny one and silver man get her in there 2. snooki should play wednesday!

terrible idea. jolie is black munroe was light skinned this cant work katy pery! is it a kids picture? whats going on here? homewardbound: the invasion, tom cruise redux.

i think she'll be back for it but rouge freakin rouge. i don't like that one never did trailer trash. i bet she'll try and steal juno's powers!

colts peyton manning colts your all going down.

for the wii as well oooooo wifi with the other platforms i hope. im getting it no matter though i want the better mlb for wii as well.

ghallerger rocks misunderstood

this girls a total bitch from what i know of her. she Ripped off that porn STAR AVA's look and whatever… shes just a porn star thats it. Porn for babies. getting messy… not a bad hook but people need to relize she's nothing more then a softcore star. petite ubbly slutty on fox or whatever cant fail.

lvl 4 charm at least your in the badlands my friend everyone is seasoned in these lands!

fuckin eh man i got some mountain dew. lvl 25! i know it unbelievable!

ya thats cool trucks cool stuff there.