the corinthian

Oddly enough it's possible for talented, creative people to make things for kids.

There was a kiddie version of Judge Dredd, launched off the back of the Stallone flick with the mayhem toned down and Dredd pitched unambiguously as the goodie. Naturally, given that the film tanked and no one liked it and it was still too violent for kids to see, 'Lawman of the Future' lasted less than a year.

"really no one in their right mind should prefer that second dragon movie to the world’s cleverest toy commercial"

Atlas Shrugged Part III's failure is obvious. It failed to appeal to the market. But what is "the market"? The market is not an individual freely exchanging the value of what he has won through his own individual endeavour. The market is the sum of collective activities in which individual choice is drowned by the

There's always something unbecoming when someone declares "we're not allowed to say X any more!" from the big public platform that they've just been granted to air their views.

Harry Windsor… red of hair…