Legface P. Backshot

A western starring Kurt Russell and Michael Douglas would be ace.
But that picture is pretty lame.

Please review
the Snoop Dogg Horror Antholagizzle.

Legface P. Backshot if you have any problems with my name, you will have to take it up with my parents, Mr and Mrs Backshot.

Maybe a hobby will help her get over her anxiety.
I think drumming lessons would be a nice idea.

I am also glad I got tix to see Animal Collective soon
My opinions (which count more than your opinions):

I got one! I got one! (and, also - please help me).
Wow, this week marks the first "Ask the AV Club" question I've been able to answer - I knew about "Let Him Have It". Do I get a medal? I seem to remember a funny sketch relating to the "shoot him / give him the gun" dilemma on 'The Mary Whitehouse Experience'. I

Ha ha - several of you have pointed out that "sax" sounds like "sex".
The saxaphone has to be one of the lamest instruments going; this list was spot on (although you could have taken the word "nearly" out of the title).

Actual tagline - "Pop culture love letters".

Those of you who say Labyrinth hasn't aged well…
..will be doomed to stink forever. (although, to be fair, I'd like to think that if they had another go at it they'd get the "David Bowie's mysterious 3rd hand spins the crystal balls" bit right).

Hagbard Celine
Surely the important discussion is about Second Life's validity.

American PsychOY
I never got to the end of "Master of Disguise" or "Danny Deckchair" - in fairness, both were "joke" rentals whilst high.

Zack Handlen's Use of The word "slight" to describe the machinist is spot on
But, you know, Reign Of Fire was at least watchable.

I also love Christian Bale
But that interview was a bit dull, like.

But Rameses J. Earthquake would be even better, right? Von Rippendorf, I think, works better as a band name than a stage name.

I think the most important thing here is…
..that the band don't look too stinky, so there's no need for the picture to be changed.

How on earth could you miss out……?
Wild Wild West, Jim West, Desperado, Rough Rider