
They're going to Upper Darby, Pa and NOT Boston?? WTF, mates. Not cool.

Let me save you the trouble: irn bru is fucking awful and weird. Although, not quite as weird as dandilion flavored alcohol, which isn't quite as awful. The end!

was up with TyTy singing everything she said?? Did I miss some new rule that it had to be a musica

I could not believe that they FOR REAL got rid of heather. are they on crack?? she was by far the best and most entertaining.
also I couldn't believe how encouraging Tyty was; i've never heard her tell a girl that was booted off that she had a chance to make it as a model.

that is some mighty fine hatin'!

not long enough!

I too wish Sweet Dee could have won the bar! Hilarity would have ensued.
also, Sweet Dee and Denis dancing together was so creepy yet hilarious

agreed! we definitely need snarky overviews of both shows around here.

oh for fucks sake
I've been looking forward to this for weeks! Definitely disappointed, but I know they'll be back to Boston sooner or later and at least now I'll have an extra 60 bucks burning a hole in my pocket

too long? yes
yeah too long, but there were enough hilarious moments to keep me entertained.
also, I was really glad to see Rickety Cricket back in action! haha