
Yes, obviously there's a "gay gene". There's also a "bisexual gene". And the planet will turn into a cinder unless we all cease farting immediately.

Yes. I'm glad we got the full monty. Now even the dimmest bulbs among us can witness first hand the unmitigated disaster of "progressives" in positions of power.

No some change is good; like "Teabaggers" taking over the House. You don't fear change do you?

Thanks Dan.

May I suggest you call your silly family members "Dadaists". You'll be a big hit at Thanksgiving. Everyone will marvel at your immense intelligence.

Ooh an ambulance chaser. Now I'm in trouble.

"Freedom fan" cares nothing of freedom. He's a propaganda-spewing drone. Ever have an original thought dude?"

You have a job?

Yes don't feed the trolls … feel free to ignore me. Or leave your echo chamber and come over to Breitbart, where you could be the troll … if you dare.

Thanx. Here's one for you:

I don't have a problem with anyone voluntarily changing light bulbs. But intentionally causing the prices of everything to "necessarily skyrocket" so the government can tax our air, merits a modicum of concern.

Sommalian Sommelier, Palin would not be my first choice as President, although she would be infinitely better than the Marxist disaster we have now. I would like to see anyone besides Obama or Hillary as President. To love America, her free enterprise market economy and her Constitutional first principles is

Ya got me. So what was the point of Colby's second point, genius?

"Third, when you get one basic fact so wrong, and completely ignore a couple others, you might as well just wear a sign telling us that you're full of shit."

Funny how libs are the first to scream bloody murder about high gas prices while they do everything in their power to shut down the energy industry.

Apparently for libs like Nutsack, "reality" includes silencing your opponents via violence perpetrated through cyberspace.

At the time the LA Times smeared him with bogus BimboGate, Ahnold was Conservative. He changed when the rabidly liberal CA voters rejected his fiscal proposals. Now CA will go bankrupt and beg Alabama for a bailout. Better do it before the Tea Party takes over Congress, fools.

Yes but it is shocking that you would talk about the first lady in that manner.

Sure. Accusing someone of "lying", when he actually was, is one of the most "racist" things I've ever heard.

Pardon me. Guess we Tea Partiers are a little sensitive at having been branded as "racists" by the Dims for 2 years. But I'm sure it was nothing personal.