
I believe the expression is "somebody put pills in his vodka-flavoured jellybeans", it's been a few years since I read it though.

Ah okay, I don't drink at all. That sounds like bullshit from her though.

I don't even know what carded means. A business card?

It just seems inconvenient. Wouldn't it interfere with moaning? Wouldn't it exert a weird force on the neck? It wouldn't tilt the head back like hair-pulling would, it would just pull the whole head back face-first.

That's a good point, actually. I guess your interpretation works, but my opinion on it is that the film isn't really interested in absolute realism, and the characters don't resemble human beings. It's dealing with a character who nearly has a seizure because of his indistinguishable rivals' indistinguishably

"during doggie fashon fucking, the act of pulling a woman's head back by grabing the insides of her cheeks with your index fingers."

Camera one. [whirr]

When it's with @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  you only need 30 seconds, because he's so intense. 30 seconds in heaven is better than 15 seconds in heaven.

I looked up narcissism to get a more precise definition; it says "inordinate fascination with oneself". Which implies that you should be fascinated with yourself to some extent. So I guess it depends whether you are good-looking enough to spend 5 minutes staring at. (I think that's pretty reasonable.)

Gallup: Gallop: 100% of young guys want to fuck me

From diapers to vipers.

Aren't people writing in to Savage Love with real, actual problems entitled to responses in preference to gloating ex-whales?

And you explain Willem Dafoe's character how?

I think people just kind of want to write a letter and be in the column. They want to participate in the thing they like. I have that instinct sometimes. Sadly, most people don't have letter-worthy problems, or aren't good enough writers to articulate their problems in an interesting way.

I'm re-reading this letter and it just devolves into non-sequiturs by the end of it. I think her problem is that she's a shitty conversationalist and horrible person, which gets the correct response "once your mouth is full of cock, nobody will mind". But it doesn't even sound like she wants sex?

Nigella Lawson, I think she's 50?

The old lady is another one of those humblebrag non-problems. So yes, she is too narcissistic.

I don't imagine that he's a very good conversationalist. That's cool, though.

I'm rewatching and saw the pilot just a week ago, and it was pretty ham-fisted itself.

He's a poster boy for existentialism.