
I saw Iceage in February and was at the very front. I got hit in the back of the head by the tuning keys of Elias's guitar. Then later I looked him directly in the eye and we stared at each other for around 30 seconds.

Why does the person piggy-backing on my reference get twice as many LIKES?


There's been two tracks released and they're great, especially An Impression.

There's new No Age coming too.

Ones not mentioned yet:

Library is a brilliant song. They just put out a 7" with a re-recorded version of Library. I only heard it once so far but I don't think it's quite the same.

I saw them live and a group of girls in front of me seemed to be most interested in the lanky, balding one, which I thought was weird. They all have really whiny voices too. (Um … Vampire Weekend, not the teenage girls.)

I don't want to defend Youtube but it depends a lot on what videos you're looking at. If you're looking at terrible pop videos or any very popular video, then you're going to see a lot of shitty comments. Some are actually really funny and I think it's improved since they encouraged people to post under their full

That video description is a lot cooler than those pussy ones that are like "I don't own any of this I didn't mean to commit any crimes please don't sue me". Not that either would make any difference.

The term "beta" doesn't even really make sense in that context because a beta is kind of a second-in-command. They're inferior to the alpha but they're like an understudy. So it's a shitty metaphor if nothing else.

If thinking about things is more exciting, we should just lie around for hours imagining things! Theoretically, that would be the most exciting thing possible!

They need to do way instain mother, duh.

It can be exchanged for goods and services.

You're anti-beard? First I've heard about it.

Unless your boyfriend has been injected with some Chinese shit, and he needs constant bursts of adrenaline to stay alive. But that situation generates a lot of exceptions.

Money can be used to buy many peanuts.

Sorry Lord Sugar [looks sheepish, tries not to giggle]

So … he thinks free will exists, and was unsympathetic on the obit of a guy who nobody really cares about? And now he's like the Paula Deen of the AV Club?

Probably didn't want to upset the asexuals.