Dildor the chosen one

I couldn't even laugh at Token in that episode. I knew it was funny but the fact that the Token moments were surrounded by pure shit ruined it for me.

i am
still hoping one of the cast members die of alcohol poisoning so the show can get canceled.

I liked when house turned the picture of taub at the bus stop into a picture of hitler.

I'm weird but, I use both all the time. I work in Barnes & Noble so I get exposed to every album, book, or movie that comes out(well not EVERY thing that comes out but pretty damn close) and if meh is perfect for many situations. If someone wants to talk to me about Death Cab for Cutie I'm going to say meh

I work at Barnes and Noble too. I nearly killed myself when I saw this on the shelf.

That's not at all what this is about. There are plenty of things that other people like that I don't get pissed about. Lady GaGa, autotune, the mormon church. I believe that every person should be free to express themselves but Jersey Shore isn't expression. What the hell are they expressing. The world would be a far

It's too bad the plane from 9/11 that the passengers hijacked from the terrorists didn't crash into wherever snooki was at the time instead of a field in Pennsylvania.

I hope the last episode of this show is about the cast getting drugged and waking up in Iran. It would be the only time I would be ok with a Muslim killing and American citizen.

If there's any real justice in the world one or all of them will die of alcohol poisoning, or some rare strain of AIDS for pseudo guidos. I would laugh harder than the time I heard some man hit Snooki. Now I don't advocate violence against women but calling Snooki a woman is pretty silly.

All reality Tv sucks
Seriously, Snooki is a scourge on today's youth. All reality TV does is show kids today that to make it big you don't need to have talent or even self respect. You just have to be willing to be a complete media whore. Shows like this just turn people into mindless drones. At least with even the

Mitch you are my favorite. I agree with what you have to say 98.36454% of the time. I hope you return to the sp review for season 15. Season 14 rocked and I pray to God that 200/201 are uncensored for the dvd. This episode made me laugh quite a bit. But if I were to throw out all the valid arguments why this season

Is it true that in San Francisco passed a bill saying if a restaurant wants to give out a toy with it's kids meal they had to make the meal healthy, so business owners had to choose between changing their menu or no longer enticing children to eat their food by offering toys?

Oh yeah I forgot about tsst which is strange because it's a great episode.I suppose the main reason I found it strange is because no one on that show cares about language.(besides the movie of course) Even the mormons didn't get mad at the foul language used by the other characters.

1989 was a great year. I was born.

There was a small part of me….
that was hoping they would pay off why Cartman's mom was suddenly so concerned about him using foul language. Leanne doing that was crucial to the story line but it seemed so odd. Maybe Trey Parker is now on great terms with the real Leanne so he made her character less of a dirty slut.

and noticed I wrote haved instead of have right as I clicked post so…… my bad

True but Cartman had weaponry this time around and if Kyle kicked his ass it wouldn't haved worked as well cause Cartman needed to think everything was alright so they could smoothly kick him out of Coon and friends and still use his basement as the lair.

Agreed Mitch. Although the dream reviewer would be someone who has regularly watched the show for years. It would be nice to hear an opinion from someone who has seen more than "an episode here and there". and someone who isn't a goddamn hipster.

You know it's a sad day
in hell when Cougar Town gets a higher grade than South Park. Complete garbage gets an A and comedy gold gets a C. I'm sick of people picking on Matt and Trey. The show is still great. Yeah some episodes are kinda weak, (season 2, Britney's new look, It's a Jersey thing(all of which I still

Ha I thought the same thing. It's sad that I'm addicted to reading a review that shits on my favorite show week after week.