Nigel Fistybuns

Art vs. Artists
At some point, you have to separate the artist from their art. Picaso was a rapist, Marlowe was a drunken brawler, and Carravagio was a murderer. It would be nice if the people who've made art that have inspired your life would be genteel and affable, but it's rarely the case. Al Jourgensen once

With a name like "Daggerdale", I was hoping it'd be a D&D parody. Christ, that's horrible.

And that, right there, is why the judge found against McFarlane. Have you ever tried to go back and re-read the old Spawn comic? Holy shit, that's some epically bad writing.

This wouldn't have been a problem if that cheap bastard of a dad had Kiddy-LoJack. Fucking amateurs!

Shit, all I got from the UK was herpes…

1. Werewolves are mammals.
2. Werewolves wolf-out all the time.
3. The purpose of the werewolf is to wolf-out and kill people.

What, did you people honestly think you could stop the rock?