
she was there in the first season, moved out to live with "chad", a guy we never saw on screen, in season 2, moved back in after chad`s unexpected death.

Community will return on Thursday, March 15. Then 30 Rock shifts to 8:30 p.m., followed by The Office and Up All Night. Parks & Recreation will come back on April 19 to finish its run after Up All Night concludes its 24 episodes

It was my "you want to run this show for 10 seasons, dont`t you" moment, but i think they kind of reversed it with beckett`s "sofia was a woman who told many lies" at the end of the episode.

There was, Castle tricked Beckett into something, i think taking home photos of stolen diamonds, with his shooting abilities.

since the show made it a habit to have the two leads not talk at all between two seasons, i`m guessing the issue of castle talking to that guy will be the reason they once again don`t talk over the summer.
around september they`ll once again reunite, just in time to promot the newest nikki heat novel. 

I got a little tired of all the "this looks/sounds like we are having sex"-moments, but I guess this was the episode to use them.

richard castle! his wives were awful, but as a single dad he`s perfect.

rehearsing is for frogs!

I´m looking forward to Lily not having pregnancy brain next week, instead having yet another one-week-plot-device. Like eating a tiny bit of things that might be bad for the baby, or not wanting anyone to swear near the baby, or not feeling sexy anymore.
I know sitcoms love to use these tropes, but i hope before she

Both shows also had slightly creepy father-daughter-scenes. I didn´t mind those castle-alexis-moments in the earlier seasons, but that opening scene last night felt wrong.

i agree on lehmann and thurman.

alyssa milano, dana delany, laura prepon and now kristina lehman, beautiful actresses, playing some kind of beckett-surrogate (muse/fbi agent/art investigator/playing the beckett-surrogate in a movie). they all flirt with castle, get beckett jealous, and leave after telling becket "he is your`s. don`t wait too long."

bart could have kept stampy, if only there had been hipsters around, willing to pay 100 $ to ride the elephant.

so in "from dusk til dawn", do you root for the vampires ?

when did schroedinger`s cat become pop culture`s go-to science-meme ? they kind of redeemed themself by mentioning heisenberg, but i`m still tired of hearing that anecdote every other week.

So thats why the family in Malcom in the Middle has no last name: to fly under the radar.

I can see why he started, he was just asked to play the national anthem. But when the strange French chick began to sing the wrong verse, he should have stopped.
 If an us-tv-show can show this scene without further explonation, the meaning of "deutschland über alles" must be common knowledge even today, so a piano

nathan fillion was chopped in half like that on "buffy" with that powerfull mc-guffin-sword they had at the end of the last season. they didnt show it, but the way angel looked at the body you knew what happend.