
Thank God! Suck on that Adele & James Blake!

Yeah I know to most of you Pitchfork douche rockers James Blake is a genius compared to Sammy Hagar but I guess we'll have to wait and see if Blake or tweens singing about sneakers will still be around selling out arenas.

Nice Article…
I always said this album was underrated(even though it went gold). I was fortunate enough to have a dinner with the guy and his bass player at the time(Walt) and he was as down to earth and a cool "bro" anyone could relate to. There were a few other people there from Sony and from the local sh*t radio

"Dirty Mary Crazy Larry" is a B-Flick Masterpiece! This movie was legendary when me and my friends were growing up. I'm glad they finally put out a good version of it.

It's hard to find a more overrated prick than Steve Earle(Kanye maybe) and I've seen him stink up the stage live. He started out with a lot of promise but instead turned into a crackhead who carries a chip on his shoulder. His voice is also pure sh*t. Even T-Bone can't save this douche. Let's continue with the

I haven't liked anything they've ever done because they are terrible. I saw them live one time and somehow they came across as the Winger of emo.

It's True About McCabe and Ashcroft
"Fourth" was a damn good album when they reunited(briefly) but apart they are just repeating themselves. Great live band as well. A lot better than the Gorillaz or Blur.

Not the AV Club too…
If only all the blogs would quit shoving this horsesh*t down everyone's throats. I guess you guys are on the Pitchfork payroll as well. Get off your computer and go see some damn bands. This garbage is one dimensional "music" that a 9 year old could write.

Milk It…
Let's not go crazy, DOTU is better than the disappointing overhyped "Superunknown", but not even close to their real masterpiece "Badmotorfinger". Probably the best album from the Seattle deluge. As far as this lame-ass "live" compilation goes, it's just another way to screw the loyal fans like the second

Decent Review
I loved Quicksand and it's cool the reviewer actually knows about the band. This album isn't quite as good as the previous RS album, but it's still better than 99% of what's out there. Here's their brilliant new video:

You wouldn't know who Spiritualized is because you think Kanye is a genius. Keep listening to the feces the media keeps feeding you and keep thinking whatever Pitchfork says is cool.

You're going to buy into the hype too. Wow! She's only 21 and she sounds like she's 40! We all know this Amy Winehouse(yeah she's a crack head) wannabe popped up mysteriously when "Back To Black" became an international smash(Duffy too). We also should know that if she were older than 25, Sony would have never

What a jackass…
It's not like those 2 douches don't win at EVERY other awards show. Where was this dick when Prince got snubbed for "Purple Rain"(an album that was number 1 for 6 months straight) or Springsteen for "BITUSA" . Or the fact that neither have won in any major category their entire 30 year careers(Bruce

Better than the last couple…
But still not anywhere close to what she did at the beginning of her career or when she reinvented herself with Flood. There are some true duds musically on the album. Lyrically, she always brings it, but the last 3 songs are the only one's that have any weight to them.

It's not like the band wasn't formed over 10 years ago when most of you were listening to Barney. This site is a lot smarter than the readers apparently. Anyway, a good album finally after a bunch of bullsh*t B-Sides and other "rarities" albums. Most of the songs are typical Dulli at his best but "Waves" with

If this album is a rip off then every f*ckin' body should be ripping other artists off. One of the best things I've heard in a while(even the B-Sides are good) and definitely blows away all this hyped up garbage(yes you James Blake) I see on this site and others.

And Another Thing…
Who in the f*ck would pick an Otis Redding song(yes I know it's a classic) for the John Hughes soundtrack song? Do we need to hear another version of that? That's what Michael Bolton and Rod Stewart are for. Damn that's ridiculous! And how many times has "September Gurls" been done? And thanks for

Lame mainstream choices(90% at least). Are these the same voters who vote for Rolling Stone's sh*t readers poll every year. I hope the artists can do something with these Top 40 picks.

Great Series of Articles
I've really enjoyed reading this series and I'm not a huge country fan, but your perspectives and the icons you chose made it more interesting and makes me want to take a second look or listen to country and western.

Gosling and the movie "Blue Valentine" definitely should have been nominated. Javier Bardem again? I love Jeff Bridges, but he pretty much slept his way through "True Grit". When are these asses ever going to get a clue?