
Way to follow up "Black Swan" with this horse sh*t, Portman.

Since Disney bought Marvel and is trying to ruin everything associated with all the success they've had by pushing Rammi, Favreau, and Norton out. Maybe they can get Will Smith's son to completely destroy it.

By the way…
Despite the above "review", "Writing On The Wall" is one of the best songs on the album. "Gimme The Sweet & Lowdown" is also one of the best rockers they've had in a long time.

Sort of Stonesy
Only a couple of songs really have the Stones vibe. I was worried when I heard Ness say this was their Stones record. The Stones may have been an influence on the album, but most of it is just great Social D. Dare I say, Mike's best since the self titled album.

MC 900 Ft. Jesus…
It's really a disgrace to lump him in with the rest of these hacks. I saw several of these acts live and he was much, much better on stage then his albums let on. In fact, one of the best shows I've ever seen he was a part of. He had a really tight, jazzy band that made his material truly flourish in

Pitchfork 2
I have to agree with most of what you got, but I'm really sick of seeing all this hype for this James Blake garbage. The album is all over the web and sucks as much as the sh*tty EPs. Quit sucking up to Pitchfork and Kanye and Jay's jizz also.

Disney is ruining Marvel. First Spidey, now this. Good luck a**holes.

Thanks for your the awesome picks you got from Pitchfork(who suck also).

Who's Getting Paid For This Sh*t?
Have you "journalists" listened to anything this year? Your list is horsesh*t like Rolling Stone and Spin. I expect those asses to not have a clue(or get Universal to pay for a LOT of ads) but what's the deal with the AV Club? Throwing Superchunk, and Robyn in the mix doesn't make up

I Guess Kubrick Rejected Him…
Look at some of the sh*t that Duvall has done over the years. Sure he's been in some great movies, but he's put out a lot of garbage too. I'm sure that comes with the territory, but saying something like that about Kubrick's films is really f*ckin' dumb.
They are all worth watching and

A Couple Off The Top Of My Head…
Definitely Spiritualized are not to be missed. I saw that Rollercoaster Tour and they were really good, but by the time their second album came around(Pure Phase) they were really incredible. I've seen every U.S. tour since then, and though the albums have been up and down, the live

Not Everyone Will Get This Movie…
And that's a good thing. Uptight people are not who this movie is aimed at. I really enjoyed it and Carrey is brilliant in it. It's so ridiculous how people complain when he makes a somewhat offbeat movie, but then don't support his slapstick stuff either. I'm not a huge fan of

And Another Thing…
Not to continue this rant, but you're going to tell me you LOVE Soundgarden yet hate this song which is easily better than "Black Rain", and not nearly as lame as "My Wave" or most of that entire album.

You Had Me For A While…
Then you went off the deep end in your critique of Audioslave. Dip sh*ts like you are the reason Cornell quit and decided to do 2 horrific albums. I'm sure having never seen the band live and being too young to have ever seen any of these bands you love so much during their peak(Soundgarden

Nice Start…
Lindsey said when he met George Harrison this was the one song he said really liked.

A really good compelling episode that tied a lot of the season together. After last week's show, I was wondering if this season was going to fall flat since the guy in charge of Dexter bailed after season 4. Michael C. Hall is so damn good. He carries this show completely.

I Have To Agree
The hokey quality of some of the material and the bad acting from almost everyone except the lead is very telling. Why is the black guy called T-Dog or some sh*t? All the bad southern accents. Atlanta isn't exactly the back woods/"Deliverance" area of the south. It's still a decent show but far from

Hot Blonde?
Although I enjoyed the eye candy that Julie Benz was, I never thought I would really miss her. This season has been weak. I was worried when I heard Clyde Phillips was leaving. Apparently that has to be why this season is so inconsistent. Julia Stiles is just annoying and honestly doesn't deserve to save

Nice Start…
He seemed a lot more relaxed from the second show on. I think he's strongest at theshort films of him interacting with other people. Back when he started at "Late Night…" he used to do it a lot. He then quit doing it for a while and came back stronger than ever when he got the "Tonight Show". Letterman

Great Insight…
This is definitely one of the most honest things I've ever read on Pearl Jam. You hit directly on every point.
A perfect example of Vedder's love/hate relationship with his career was when I saw them in Chapel Hill about a month after "Ten" came out. We walked in and watched the soundcheck without any