
I'm hoping for Antoine Dodson or the Koran guy to make several appearances this year

I'm pretty weirded out by puppets, so that Stevil episode was a little too intense for me.

@ The Shredder: Snape wasn't at all instrumental in Voldemort murdering James and Lily. Despite joining the Death Eaters as an adult, Snape continued to carry a torch for Lily, and he was jealous of James, but didn't hate him enough to want him dead. When Voldemort heard the prophecy that (infant) Harry would grow up


Did anyone else cringe at his recommendation that it was okay for Joan eat more because when he got back he planned to "whip you and the baby back into shape"? Also did anyone else immediately imagine him literally whipping a defenseless baby? I wouldn't put it past him.

Maybe Don was reflecting on the fact that he needs to curb his impulsiveness a bit, maybe start taking Riddalin or something. I don't know why anyone who has watched the show for more than one season is all that surprised about his sudden engagement to Megan.
Of course, Don has never acted on an impulse before… unless

That had occurred to me, too, though less so in this season. It's noteworthy in seasons 1-4 that Don was married to a childish, vapid blonde, while pursuing smart, complex brunettes on the side. Then with the introduction of Faye, we saw the unprecedented Smart Complex Blonde (The best of both worlds? wonders Don),

She played it so well, too (both the actress and the character). My heart was breaking right along with hers, in a way that was completely irrelevant to my opinion of the Don/Meghan development. She totally sold the heartbreak, while at the same time seizing the opportunity to call Don out on his shit ("I hope you

I liked this one okay, but the season 4 finale was closer to my definition of 30 Rock at its greatest:

My cardiologist agrees: Meat is the new bread

I had the same thought, Steve Holt. There's an interview with Tracy Morgan in which he criticizes Jimmy Fallon—rightfully so— for his frequent habit of breaking during SNL skits. The occasional break during a live show is understandable, to some degree, but most definitely not funny or even amusing for the audience.

The writers previously established that Gloria's hometown was particularly crime-ridden, with something like the highest murder rate in the country. I think the joke about the cartel was supposed to refer to her town specifically, not the entire country (although they clearly took advantage of the fact that most

I love all the characters, too, but I'd watch the show even if it was just the Cam and Mitchell show. Or just the Cam show.

I strongly support the idea of Mad Men moving in a more Lynchian direction

I think Ian McKellen would have been a better choice for the new Dumbledore. Michael Gambon is a fine actor, but seems like he's trying too hard to distance himself from Richard Harris' (spot-on) interpretation. Either that, or he's just never read the books. His gruff, unfriendly Dumbledore is particularly jarring in

The Weasleys always look that way.

I vote for a moratorium on this exchange:

Catfish is PEOPLE!

Michael: Why is there a dead dove in the freezer?
Gob: You didn't eat that did you?

We're having a FIRE..sale. Oh the burning! It burns me! Evacuate all the schoolchildren! A-maze—This isn't a fever!—iiing graaace—can't even see where the knob is!