
Hard truth: I woke up this morning and thought "White Josh… HOW DID I FORGET TO MENTION WHITE JOSH IN THAT LIST?"

There was a publish error (my fault) and it went up late, but it's there. Linked in the 'previous episode' button at the bottom of the article. This episode went live at midnight.


I think it's pretty early to tell. The CW seems pretty invested, but from what I've read, it's not doing well. Hopefully it snags some awards and some more buzz.

I love him. (He was also on Grandfathered last week. Busy kid.)

Yeah, great little throwaway bit. Also saw that conversation happen at a bar this weekend. Between that and the nickel tip, Greg had a ROUGH week at work.

Nope, it's always better to have someone point it out. Honestly, I read this thing at least five times, but things slip by, no matter how close your attention to detail. And it was a long night. So thanks!

I thought so, too. Still super funny, but packs a big punch. What great writing (and performing).

Yep. Pretty sure that's part of the joke. White privilege and whatnot.

The errror hsa been corrected. Thakns for pointing it out,!

Not sure I understand, but thanks!

I don't care how long it is, I just care that it's often very funny.


For what it's worth, I think everything is reviewed both as what it could be and what it is. Could it be better? Yes. Is it good? Yes. Both things are true, and coexist.

Yep, seeing baby Rachel again was great. It was in an earlier draft of my review, but I can only cover so much. Honestly, with this show, that's a real challenge— the music alone deserves quite a lot of attention, and that's such a small percentage, time-wise, of each episode.

Can't write about everything I'm afraid. But yeah, I loved it too!

Yes, that would also have been progressive.

I'd have to revisit, but I think there's a brief reaction the first time they're in the restaurant.

Mmmm, I don't think it's as groundbreaking, certainly, but that doesn't make it less progressive.

Hilarity, of course, ensued, but I was mostly talking about Liz having to pretend to be Jack's date once they ran into Isabella Rossellini.