
Both at once. Willam is all things.

So, I just want to say that Sasha could not have been more charming in Whatcha Packin', and I have total t-shirt envy.

Believe me, it's my total pleasure. I'd be refreshing the page like crazy myself. I'm such a fan.

Oh hey, totally no worries. Just don't want anyone to wonder why Oliver has changed his mind about things when he comes back :) Thanks for reading!

Oh, no worries! Just want to make sure if Oliver comes back anti-Max it's not super confusing.

I went back and forth between "listening" and "so, are you a dancer?" That whole scene was some world-class shade. ETA: Ultimately, the second one made me laugh more.

Thanks! Aww, shucks.

I'm not sure how Oliver feels about Max at the moment, we'll probably find out when he's back.

Like how Detox was the shut-it-down queen in her season. Put her in to make sure the other queen goes home.

I was a last-minute fill-in, but it'll be up in a real hurry next week. Never fear.

Bianca's a great example of the best kind of bitchy. Calm down, Beyonce!

Exactly. And in the first group, a big difference between those who do it well ("Your tone seems very pointed right now") and those who don't (um, everything Rebecca Glasscock ever did).

She spends all that time with Travolta. I bet she's pretty tough to spook.

Yeah, the Jasmine stuff on Untucked is super disappointing. Re: Max - I'm a sucker for that kind of affected, old-school glamour in the Tammie Brown mold, but Max doesn't seem to have the cranky/unhinged thing that Tammie also had. I don't think Max is headed to the top three but I bet she'll be fun while she lasts.

Yeah, it's brutal. Sasha seems like she's probably very sweet in real life, but she didn't wear the "just playing the game" thing all that well. In thinking about it, it seems like she was trying to follow the Shangela track, but Shangie had all that charm and energy… and it STILL took her two tries to get past ep. 1.

Love. That, and "Sandy!"

Yeah, I think we'll see. It seemed pretty deliberate to me, but she's awfully young. If they're already on her about showing more personality, she might end up a Trinity-style bloomer… or, you know, not.

Ru does love peanut butter.

The little hat!

Just watching now. Totally disappointing. I was hoping we were in for a kind-of-busted-but-just-so-likable situation, a la Dida Ritz or early S6 Adore.