
The New Girl, anyone?

The little girl who Nolte drunkenly pushed aside out of the driver's seat, her parents were not so thankful. 

The little girl who Nolte drunkenly pushed aside out of the driver's seat, her parents were not so thankful. 

I know it's hip to take a piss on Michael Moore, but no Roger and Me?

I know it's hip to take a piss on Michael Moore, but no Roger and Me?

Is "balls" a good thing or a bad thing?

Is "balls" a good thing or a bad thing?

Giant snake that can eat a boat and poop a human = Genius sharks that can recite Shakespeare

Giant snake that can eat a boat and poop a human = Genius sharks that can recite Shakespeare

So Deep Blue Sea is "inspired," but Anaconda falls "woefully short."  I think this notion deserves its own article.

So Deep Blue Sea is "inspired," but Anaconda falls "woefully short."  I think this notion deserves its own article.

Oops, meant to click on the 'Judas Priest' article above.  Sorry, Judith.

Oops, meant to click on the 'Judas Priest' article above.  Sorry, Judith.

Sweet.  More Cop Rock.

Sweet.  More Cop Rock.

Lighten up, Al Guapo.  Apparently you haven't seen a plethora of 80s films starring Chevy Chase, Martin Short, and Steve Martin. 

Don't worry, the movie was a fucking mess.  And an overlong mess at that.

You're so right.  We're a sensitive people who are always so sensitive to peoples sensitivities.  Christ, I'm still getting over seeing the towers in that Spiderman ad.  Sony entertainment should pay my psychiatric bills.

And I'm Tits McGee.

Note that one of the monsters on the white board is just, "Kevin."