
I've actually had cookies at a bar once. ok, it was more like a music venue. an avant-garde music venue. I had milk and also maker's mark. marc ribot and nels cline were playing. I saw sean lennon give nels a hug and was jealous (I sort of wanted to hug nels; definitely wasn't jealous of sean for being john and yoko's

yup, those are terrible richard moments. I like to think that as he got to know lorelai more, he started to become less cold. I've always liked their interactions because they felt like moments of real growth.

yeah she looked very young in the first season. but I think she looks incredibly youthful as millie. she's purdy although she has a bit of a funny gait (which I find endearing).

indeed. and that is the one thing that paradise (from bunheads) doesn't have yet. but it's packed as it is.

Yeah, that was a bit much. On the subject of Lorelai styling, I also didn't like it when they straightened her hair or cut it too short. My favourite Lorelai hair is big, voluminous, curly. And I even remember Emily chiding her for it, which makes it more adorable. She looked natural and lovely with that hair.

I named my 2 guitars Lorelai. One is Lorelai Victoria and the other Lorelai Leigh. I know it's cheesy as shit but almost no one knows it so I like it.

Yeah, I didn't like that at first because I thought that Michel was written so that they could include a gay character in the cast without getting redlighted. But then I don't know, perhaps Lindsay was supposed to represent a sort of role model of nice and pretty for Michel, like a type of diva. Come to think about

Yup, I understand that. But it is sad that sex and homosexuality are considered inappropriate for families (which is a broader discussion, I know, but I can't help but feel a little miffed).


@avclub-e1e84d33778737c0a16ede94d51f3752:disqus I just checked out the comment again and I was horrified by just how it sounded offensive to me and it was really just a plain "I can't believe Alexis Bledel is 31 now! Time flies!" or something. Jeez. Even though I can stand for what I said, I'm a bit embarrassed of my

It's just very witty. And a bit weird. At least for me, that's what covers its flaws and allows me to unleash my actual longing for small town life (although those are quite a bit different here in Brazil, but the feeling of secluded quasi-wonderland of quirks remains). As for the crypto-moralizing, that was indeed

I completely agree with you on the subject of Lorelai's relationship with the parents. I mean, I distinctly felt that pang on my third rewatch when I realized just how selfish she was by completely cutting off her parents like that. And ungrateful. I mean, they were strict and didn't make a real effort to get to know

Oh darn, @Automocar:disqus! I feel bad for Marty in so many more ways now.

GG would've been even more brilliant if they could've accommodated a more openly sex positive attitude and openly gay characters. Michel at some point even hints at being straight which I find a bit unsettling. In any case, I do think Bunheads will make up for it.

agree. and when she's blind about people's flaws like she was at first with the huntzbergers. but when she took shira down it made it all worth it.

I do agree about Logan, despite not liking the character as a "person". His presence did bring up plot opportunities and whatnot. But I liked Dean the first because it was, I felt, a good portrayal of young love. Teenagers have no clue what relationships really are and they are frequently selfish, stubborn and overly

I was really angry that they portrayed Marty like that afterwards. One of the many disrespected characters in season 7. And I agree that they didn't give Rory too many opportunities to learn a lesson, although I think that the Mitchum debacle did something to her. Perhaps it didn't make her learn as much as she could


I must confesss I'm sad there's no American Idol coverage anymore. This season's been fun. I had sworn off AI for good but I couldn't resist checking up on Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj shenanigans. Oh well… I shouldn't even enjoy this thing as I only really like about 5% of the songs they sing. I guess I love the

agreed on the motif. thanks for replying, by the way :)