
I do have a feeling that whereas females don't immediately shrug off male protagonists (heck, we're used to males as protagonists of not just fictional stories but erm… world history, rock bands, classical music composition, medical finds and so on and women being either exceptions or in the background, at least up

I agree that she's better off without Krista. And I really don't think there's much of a chance to fix anything there.

Does the word "Cogentiva" sound as repulsive to y'all as it sounds to me?

Thanks j_w_n. I think it is like when you break a glass in a restaurant, in a broader sense, but I meant the egocentric mania that inevitably happens when you are young and decide you have to be mercilessly critical of yourself in order to become a better person. I mean, in order to do that, you have to pay attention

yeah I'm too anxious, sorry…

I don't have much to add to Nowalk's great recaps or great comments by AV readers, but I really feel compelled to say something because I just binged on Enlightened over the last 4 days and just saw the finale. I identify so much with Amy although I'd never be so oblivious as she is. I suffer from a different brand of

Aw have you ever seen one while snorkeling? I'm sorry for the lame question, I just live right smack in the heart of Brazil and had very few opportunities to snorkel even in Brazil; let alone in Hawaii.

I would go with Helen's, but now that I read your comment that made me think about how we were all more or less waiting for some revelation that Tyler's actually got a real dark side and I'm just so relieved, in hindsight, that he's actually painfully normal in all his ghostness. I love it that the Tyler-Eileen smile

I see what you may have done there, you perd-vert.

YES! this.

being in brazil, I couldn't help but think of a really amazing mint choc chip ice cream I had when I was in the us that I can't remember the brand of for the life of me. it was organic or some such, not ben&jerrys and I ate it with broken mint newman-o's and we have nothing, absolutely nothing like that here in

I'd share the sentiment if I wasn't more of a female ben (I wouldn't dare say I'm an almost leslie) with only a touch of april (that kicks in in when I'm sleepy or hungry for meat). I love leslie and ben because they're amplified versions of what would happen if life was fair and people who bring others together were

I did not grow up with genesis and I prefer the peter gabriel era. you cannot compete with selling england by the pound.

*happened. disqus isn't letting me edit.

yeah, I was hoping they'd deal with them not jumping into a relationship straight away without having to introduce other people. I mean, it's obvious it's not going anywhere with others until they really deal with what happen.

marah eakin: start with anything baroque, preferably monteverdi or bach. I am head over heels for baroque as well as renaissance and early music. I got so enthralled by the world of so-called erudite music that my appreciation of good old rock couldn't help but suffer. so there's that caveat, which I realise may not

I heard they hired odette annable to play nick's love interest next season. I hope that's not true. I DO ship jess and nick and I DO think that the show may not be ready to get the full-on in a relationship straight away, but I don't know. ever since house I have associated her with insipid, generically not-impressed

I have studied logic, I have read kripke, and I think the character just isn't well-developed enough for anyone to construe some kind of commentary or homage. I really wish I could see something though, it would help me like this show more (I never stopped watching it although it goes on disastrous paths on the

how about "penis on the go"?

i couldn't think of 1 actress that could portray the mother as someone believably gorgeous and cool and somewhat robinesque. I got it now! lake bell. just wanted to share. please don't kill me.