
I think it's just a phase. But I do have history of overlooking/forgetting details.

I'm so bored. I just got to the point where she's planning an attack on Yunkai and I just can't seem to pay enough attention and I hate reading when I can't focus properly.

When she sang that 'honestyyyy' song (was it billy joel night?) I completely failed to get what was going on. It sounded like a non-song, whatever that is.

she's been losing this one, in casa you didn't notice. the debate was a win, but other than that… this campaign is quite tough and she's constantly reminded of just how fickle and stupid citizens can be. that's not a win. especially since she really does love that town so much. whatevs. KNOPE 2012.

I usually agree with you, but i'll have to say I don't even think Hollie is a great singer. I think the tone of her voice is unpleasant and too solemn and she can only sing cheesy stuff. Anything different and she doesn't hold her notes and timbre.

I'm very bummed about Hollie staying and Elise leaving. To me, it makes no sense in terms of singing chops and natural voice. If I'll be really honest, I lost interest in this season. Does anyone else feel the same?

that's a terrible snark, dude. must you?

"I grew up with classic rock: Blue Oyster Cult, Boston, Led Zeppelin. That was cool music. With Signals, I may just have been 10 or 11. The Grease double album may have been earlier, but I was one of those girls who actually like Rush. Still am." - Amy Poehler

yeah. agreed. still liked elise's version. I don't quite like most of john mayer's stuff but sob can really play guitar and I can't help but appreciate that.

add rush fan to the list of amy poehler's qualities. I found out about that yesterday and my heart skipped a beat.

I was pleased to hear a Jimi Hendrix song in AI as much as I was surprised. And, to boot, it wasn't a ball-less sanitized version either. Obviously it wasn't Jimi-like, no one should attempt that, but the guitar playing was solid and not at all uptight and Elise's singing was interesting and engaged. Thought I'd give

She does seem less foolish and more experienced in life than some of the others and they probably don't get that and keep their distance. It looks a bit like Phillip may be friends with her. Skylar seems mature enough for her age, since I'm wildly speculating, and I don't think mentioning Elise's giggles looked like

I actually do like Elise's runs and unusual notes when she does that with more control. To me it seems that she loses herself sometimes when she gets over-confident.

It's actually "You're off the business." "What did he say?"
"He said you're off the business."

I know this is a huge cliché, but I had my best lsd trip while listening to 'animals' and 'atom heart mother' by pink floyd played back to back repeatedly (yes, the entire albums. the trip lasted for about 6 hours, I guess). I was also hallucinating in my mind (eyes closed) about how the world outside was moving to

I dropped acid twice and never had a proper hallucination. I've experienced a bit of optical illusion type things (like patterns in tiles seeming to move) but have never SEEN stuff that wasn't there. does that really happen?

I don't get the hatred on fart jokes. set them free!

like what assumptions? (not challenging you, just curious to know about your experience). I think I tend to reveal that as an excuse for my lack of snark. it's a cultural thing, you know.

I'm in Brazil and HBO here airs GoT simultaneously but already with subtitles. They spelled it SUMI, which I thought didn't match the pronunciation, but whatever, they're from the east.

cool, smacky, thanks! i really didn't consider that. i feel like the 'ee' sound sometimes is easier if you're not singing it straight… i don't know how to express this in english very well, but what i mean is sometime when you play with timbre it seems the ee may be a bit easier as the a is more straightforward and