
i don't think she botched that note on rolling in the deep, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention since I think it's pop drab and I really dislike adele's music AND it's been overplayed. in any case, the note sung on 'deep' is the same that is sung in the previous phrase with 'all' so it shouldn't be too hard.

yeah, and maybe elise's been sex-deprived since the start of the whole thing so she's been making poor song choices (I just re-watched that seinfeld episode where elaine goes dumb due to sex starvation). I'd say most of them have probably had some sort of foreplay action but yeah, they do seem too uptight to have gone

heard it too.

i liked your comment even though i do think some great music has been made in college dorms. simon and garfunkel. there's always an exception or two, i guess. but yeah, give me satanists over bon iver any day.

yeah. i do know that. i keep insisting on elise but she's no american idol. trouble is i just like her voice and the fact that she isn't a tween. and also i watch AI but paradoxically hate the concept of an 'american idol'. i guess many of us here do too. elise does need to work on a lot of things though, sure. [this

it was SO horribly awkward when steve did that. he should've known better.

yeah, true. it bugs me that hollie is more likable to the general public though.

this is to Mantis Cube up there. we don't have too many dalmatians in brazil, it's a rare breed to see in the streets. also, we have more stuff that is illegal in brazil but legal elsewhere than the opposite. yeah.

sorry but hollie's definitely worse than elise.

i doubt there's something more than friendship between phil and elise if all those 'she picked the song and fought for it' shenanigans are true. unless he likes a controlling partner. she was looking pretty hot yesterday, in my opinion.

good call, i never watch results shows but i might tomorrow. disagree with you on skylar, i think she became more noticeable to everyone this week and could have a real shot at the save. i doubt she'll be the least voted, though. i think the just loser tomorrow should be hollie and if it's elise she'll be saved if

agreed, although taste-wise i stand in a different pole from her. but yeah, she has incredible control and musicality. her notes are astoundingly deliberate for a 16 year-old.

i thought everyone saw that from the start. colton's also not straight. i'm sure there are as many guys swooning over him as there are girls, probably more, so it peeves me that ryan and judges keep referring to girls [specifically] being excited and whatnot.

yeah, it's easy, just don't eat too much shit or too much healthy food. those grain-crazed health hipsters eat way too much gassy stuff. ok, but back to the point… there's that and also to just keep walking. unfortunately, the most efficient strategy is to just hold it in while you're around the guy, which can be

i love bathroom humour and i'm a girl and yes we fart and no, not just in the bathroom. in fact, i just let one out and i'm in my bedroom.


yup, noticed that. i kept looking at his hand to see if he'd show the ring finger.

spoiler? or is that on book 2? i'm still finishing CoK but can't seem to keep away from the experts review… just want as big a fix as i can get.

damn you idiotking. you troll the newbies section and the experts one. you must be some sort of mild psychopath. anyway… put the word 'spoilers' in CAPS and not the phrase conveying the info you just spoiled for me and possibly many others. lay off the bold type as well. thanks.

good call, he should be cast as something. so we have a good list of wishful casting so far; eccleston, purefoy, mckidd, ray stevenson.