
agreed. boring arrangement. she was slightly sharp at times, yes, but not throughout the whole thing… and I think she managed to add nice touches to the song. I really hope she stays.

I hated the song and also heard it as a little sharp and out of breath. agree with what everyone said so far in this thread.

I got pretty upset about that and so much more along those lines. it's just not believable anymore. I felt like the writers think I, as an audience member, am stupid.

it gets a bit better on book 2. I too am bothered by the writing (especially the excess foreshadowing and adjectives galore) but I think the content makes up for it. I assume you probably are a fan of higher brow literature as I am and have pretty high standards, too. not trying to change anyone, but me, I like to

it was almost rough and edgy but for the overly correct musicians on the idol backup band. but I did enjoy it a lot. I wish she'd stay so I could listen to her sing some more, but it would probably be nice if she left, say, two or three episodes from now but still got a medium-sized career or something. I wouldn't

I don't watch results shows anymore, I just come here and read claire's words which is more amusing (also imagining things makes them better in this case). but I think I would prefer to have heejun one more week than deandre. heejun is at least weird and mildly entertaining as a person while deandre is just a big yawn

yeah, I understand the intention and didn't mean to overreact. no, actually I did, just to feel militant. but sure, I know all the airheads think she's old. can't wait for them to hit 30.

agreed on hollie being dreadful. her voice is thin but she knows how to make it sound big. to me, when a performer doesn't have such a good voice, they should work on being unique and a true artist. talk about bob dylan becoming an icon with that weird old voice. I think rufus wainwright is not a jr by the way, as his

the american idol standard of diversity is really odd. I think words like "unique" and "genius" and "original" should really be used only for the truly great ones, for cornerstone artists. I remember when kara dioguardi yelled 'that was genius!' about that dude who sang 'straight up' by paula abdul and never did

please, claire, as much as I enjoy your reviews I still have to ask you to stop referring to elise as old, even if ironically. someone younger than 40 being called old is just so wrong and upsetting and untrue. do people honestly look at someone like elise or, say, jennifer lopez and read them as being old? I know you

why do people say that they're embarrassed about listening to NPR? is it one of those things where they pretend they're ashamed of being nerdy but are secretly proud and feel so hip?

one thing that bugged me about colton yesterday was that he said he liked a punk look but also military. if he hadn't said that so earnestly, I could have understood that as purposefully ironic, as we are still leaving the irony era (but now mostly into the post-ironic times). colton, baby, punks are against the

my currently-airing sitcom bang list:

I find it easier to think of acts I like live but don't listen to at home, such as avant-garde stuff. I never put on a marc ribot ' song' just to listen to it. but I had a hell of a great time seeing him with nels cline last summer in ny. here in brazil I find we have plenty of artists who sound great live but are

she was the one character I couldn't like sometimes. I thought they were all shit but could relate at some point. even ross, because I sometimes thought it was stupid to mock the nerd and sympathized. monica was insufferable and the innuendo that most girls act like that minus the ocd just annoyed the shit out of me.

I think I agree. still a bit surprised to know for sure, though.

although you are reasonable and write well, which I can't help but appreciate, I have to disagree this time. the girls, to me, mostly sounded like they couldn't control their voices. the "little runs" the judges love so much were a bit messy and they went off key a lot which, to me, is very very off-putting and makes

I'm with you. well put. also, jeremy rosado couldn't hold his notes, he went off-key several times. I felt for the guy, though, as it did sound like he wasn't hearing himself properly. I wouldn't have minded that so much if he was more interesting as a singer. given the music I usually listen to, one would think I'd

I loved the mustache on him. to be honest, I like josh radnor better when he's sporting some facial hair, although I wouldn't stomach a goatee. why is it that tv has to be so conservative regarding beards? fortunately nowadays it isn't considered unkempt by regular people to sport facial hair but the tv doesn't seem

I feel uncomfortable with them calling her patient zero all the time. she could've gotten that from the staff or something. I'll bet it's just because she's the poor weirdo who lives in a tent.