
what I don't get is the fact that she can't walk in heels after so many years of ONLY walking in heels. she looks like she has a big n.2 that won't come out or go back in and is making her uncomfortable.

yeah, I'm with ya. I'm not a dessert person, but I do like dessert or even love it when it's really good. I'm definitely a beef person, and a bacon person.

not everyone is into dessert! what I don't get is that not everyone is into roast beef. those cupcakes looked gross.

I'm always peeved when american tv comes up with brazilian characters. that guy did not have a brazilian name and he spoke portuguese like a foreigner: with an accent and unnatural phrasing. I've never seen a brazilian correctly portrayed in movies (or brazil, for that matter); they always have weird names and speak

just wanted to say it's good to see that someone else around these parts likes prog.

yeah I understand the grudging, but I also sometimes wonder… what would the hard working bands do if they had been born into money? what do they think those more privileged ones should do? disavow their privileges just so they could be fair to the other bands? because that wouldn't be seen in a very good light, I

I'm with you on that one and with todd re charlie brown. vince guaraldi is amazing and those tracks were beautifully produced. the drums… ah. anyhow, I do break it out in non-christmas times as well.

haha yeah! I wasn't dating anyone when I went and, if I'll be honest, those singles guys around missed an opportunity. I actually started listening to rush because my mum mentioned them once (she didn't own any records but vaguely liked them being a slight prog head) and I knew other bands I liked were influenced by

gimme five, sister. around me there were mostly dudes and girlfriend when I saw them in rio, but there was also an awesome family: mum, dad and teen kid all singing along. and they were singing to genesis and yes when neil's mix cd was playing before the show started. it was a beautiful sight!

fringes of the city! =)

damn, for me as well (fangirl). and I got to see them live in rio de janeiro not too long after that. it was glorious and I've been full-on back to listening to rush and trying to play riffs by ear. such happiness. the best thing is, now that I'm older I get to dedicate more time to the less celebrated songs and have

kudos, great observation.

I love being a girl who loves rush. whoever says they don't like to be rare is lying! while we're at it, I'd agree with lots of commenters that GUP is sublime. and I liked this article, pretty subdued and spot on. I'm glad he mentioned that peart moved on from randism as most journalists seem to conveniently overlook