FINALLY! The show has surfaced that was promised when I read the script last spring, worts and all!
FINALLY! The show has surfaced that was promised when I read the script last spring, worts and all!
The Good Wife has bought into that program too… This week was *sheeeeeeeeeeeeit* guy.
"Emily’s scheme to get Daniel and the brother of the waitress he hurt in
the same place was clever, but to what purpose? Is this just her way of
undercutting Daniel and Victoria’s relationship, or is something more
sinister planned in the future?"
I think that Jasmine has always fit the likeable hateable category. I'm ready for them to stop making her be "The Bitch to Crosby" all the time. I mean, yeah he can be spineless, but still. She's like nails on a chalkboard when she says, "Jabbar doesn't want to eat lunch with Max anymore. YOU HAVE TO FIX IT CROSBY!"…
Hahaha! When Haddie was like, "what's wrong with us?" my response was, "Your Hair!" And "He doesn't want to date a girl with a bad perm from the 80s."
I'm a Christian and find this film utterly offensive. I love how certain Christian filmmakers think that "good moral ideals" makes for "good storytelling". I just detest the fact that the audience for these films actually buys this schlock and refuse to be challenged by anything. What's the purpose of spending your…
No Grade?
Laura Bennanti deserves BETTER than this schlock!
I actually thought Free Agents second episode was an improvement from last week. And Kathryn Hahn and Hank Azaria are very good and have pretty good chemistry. It's sad no one stuck around after Up All Night, which also had a stronger second outing.
If ONLY they kept the show's original title! The Remembererererererererer!
So. Alex punches the kid/host of the party — act out/cut to — alex being taken away in cuffs? A) No high schoolers would call the cops… they'd all get busted as minors! B) Even if they did (unrealistcally) call the cops, Alex would really STICK AROUND? What was he doing, picking his nose?
Or… the producers and editors actually LET that part of the conversation to actually air on the episode. In reality the deliberations take a couple hours, and A LOT of stuff is left on cutting room floor. I highly doubt this is the first time they've had such conversations… we've just never seen or heard the words on…
After that moment i said, "Wow, finally this season's Gretchen has emerged!" Though, he's been VERY annoying from the get-go, where Gretchen didn't bloom until AFTER the judges gave her the first two challenge victories to have a reason to be arrogant.
Totally agree John Teti… despite tonight's (highly entertaining) histrionics, the show can never live up to the dizzying heights of last season's Wretchen Melt-down in that most amazing of dramatic team challenges EVER.
Marie and Hank
Remember when Marie used to be so irritating in the first season? Man I love that they've made us sympathize with her. Hank is being such a jerk. Granted, he has every right to be "pissed off" by his situation, but he's isolated himself so much into his own selfish agony, that he can't see that he is…
Will Sorkin write?
Can't believe there's no obvious "SprotsNight" reference in this article. It must be a Sorkin movie! That was my first thought.
anna gun
Also… wasn't her hair reddish in "Full Measures", not bleach blond?