echos myron

People who appreciate movies usually like Ozu. You're probably a Whedon fan, so I could see why his depth would be lost on you.

The only portion that could have been shortened is the beginning of part 2, when Stiller retreats to his cabin and the movie becomes somewhat of a rote thriller for a while.

I still prefer Berlin Alexanderplatz and Veronika Voss over this one, but I have yet to see a Fassbinder movie that isn't at least good (and I own 15 of them; the 11 Criterion has released, plus In a Year of 13 Moons, Martha, Fox and His Friends, as well as The Third Generation). And to think that he made over 44

Rape is a serious crime!

Plus, the score is unbearable in that typical CBS way.

Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones was only about 47 minutes long, if you don't factor in the insanely long opening credits.

Have you seen Berlin Alexanderplatz or Scenes from a Marriage?

Agreed. It's middle-brow pandering at its worst.

All that means is at least 8-9 episodes of filler. As far as I know, there has never been a perfect 22-episode season of network TV.

The Leigh and Dardenne films should be everyone's top priorities.

Fuck Disney and any movie they have ever released.

No, it isn't. I could have watched Ingmar Bergman's Wild Strawberries for the tenth time instead of this Survivor episode. Now there is something worthy of an A.

I'm pretty sure Goosebumps was filmed in Canada and consisted primarily of Canadian actors, which would explain the "aboots."

I must admit that some sexy passages from Bag of Bones were responsible for my first hard-ons brought on by reading. I still remember the narrator describing his new blonde girlfriend as having "breasts tiny like teacups," as well as a "powderpuff" (?) of hair between her legs.

Legend of the Lost Legend is the last Goosebumps book I ever read, and his recap perfectly illustrates how that book managed to be absurd, sloppy and insulting, even to an indiscriminating 10-year-old.

I've watched 12 of his full-length films (plus the shorts A Sense of History and The Short and Curlies, and a bunch of 5-minute pieces for the BBC) and have always been truly impressed. He's a remarkable and highly consistent director, whether he's doing a low-budget "play" like Abigail's Party or a high-budget

Stephen King books are just Goosebumps books with swearing and T&A.

Not being a formulaic competition-based reality show?

I absolutely disagree with most of this article. I love that the movie's mythological feeling gradually shifts back to the everyday as it progresses, because it shows that most bizarre/inscrutable occurrences, especially when they concern individual human behavior, is the end result of years of an unhealthy climate

He was awesome, but I still think that Blake Schwarzenbach and David Berman were better. I'd put him on even par with Stephin Merritt.