echos myron

Classic song from a classic album. Emergency & I has that rare distinction of having a back half that is stronger than its front half. Everything from the chaotic "I Love a Magician" to the chilled out "Back and Forth" is legendary. And yes, almost every track on the album boasts quotable lines.

In case any Canadians are reading this thread: Amazon.ca is currently selling Persona for just $23.99 (down about 8 bucks from last week's price). This is probably a better deal than you will get during the July Barnes and Noble Criterion sale, especially when you factor in the free shipping (just add a book to your

I hate Billy Joe as a singer. He's even more annoying than Fat Mike.

I thought this feature was supposed to highlight underappreciated/obscure great records. Sicko's debut, You Can Feel the Love in This Room, came out in 1994, and would have been a much better choice. Or what about Sympatico! by Velocity Girl?

I watched this latest episode of Hannibal simply out of curiosity for the body exhibition, and it wasn't nearly as graphic as I hoped it would be. I wasn't too engaged by the dialogue and found the score hammy, repetitive and annoying, but it's not a fair assessment as I was a first-time viewer.

Polvo - Siberia
Dillinger Four - This Shit Is Genius
Barkmarket - Vegas Throat
The Briefs - Sex Objects
Buzzcocks - Singles Going Steady
Fugazi - Red Medicine
The Clean - Anthology
Superchunk - Indoor Living

The Lionsgate 4-film Godard set (which includes Detective) is a great purchase, even if most of the movies are begging for some extras or commentary tracks.

Wouldn't they be vegans?

Even if you didn't realize it, Michonne was there to helpfully inform us of their plan.

What I'm saying is that Gilligan and Weiner fought to get those "fucks" included the episodes. I doubt that Scott Gimple has the same level of passion for "his" show; he was probably afraid of getting fired if he tried to squabble with AMC.

The actors are great? That's news to me. If you want to see great acting, watch Mike Leigh's Naked or John Cassavettes' A Woman Under the Influence.

Those 12 hours could be much better spent reading Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy.

The comic devoted 4 issues to the farm and almost 36 to the prison/governor stuff. The show spent 12 episodes (discounting the S2 premiere) on the former and 23 on the latter. The show has always struggled to pace itself in conjunction to the source material. As I recall, the group's next major destination is a

From what I remember, the farm escape in the season 2 finale was much more thrilling than this.

But even though they premiere on TV, Breaking Bad and Mad Men have always truly been intended to be watched uncensored on Blu-Ray or DVD, preferably over a few sittings. How many of the 10+million people who tune in for this zombie dreck will actually buy season 4 when it's released?

From what I remember from my fast read-through of the comics (all of which I downloaded in PDF format), the eleventh arc in the comics deals with the group fighting cannibals (or "hunters", as they are called), but I don't think the cannibals were as well-organized as the ones in Terminus.

Yeah, that movie has a very bad reputation over at the Criterion Forum, which I consult whenever I'm about to buy a movie I know nothing about.

I think I'll go watch Fassbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz for the fourth time instead.

My only memory of Korn is a music video where a guy with dreadlocks walks a dog.

A British person told Harmon on Twitter that Community sucked and was streets behind (insert shitty CBS sitcom). Harmon thought the expression was ridiculous, and made a big hoopla about incorporating it in a cold open. His fanbase who knew about the incident decided it was uproarious. That's it.