echos myron

Isn't that person Jeff?

At this point, I've purchased about 200 Criterion releases. The only film I've seen that truly doesn't stand up to scrutiny is White Dog by Samuel Fuller. (Of course, I haven't purchased crap like Tiny Furniture, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, or Armageddon, but that goes without saying. Criterion need their

Another gimmicky Community "joke" that means literally nothing unless you happen to follow Dan Harmon on Twitter. This show is up its own ass 75% of the time. (And I do know the origin of the "streets behind" bit.)

It doesn't.

No, it's really not the same thing at all. Cough is not even a heavy album.

This show needs to end soon. Last week's D&D episode did not have a single funny moment in it.

Anything less than an A- for roughly 98% of Criterion's output is lunacy.

Nah bro.

While I can't say I've ever been too much into his solo career, Rumbleseat's self-titled album is a pretty entertaining listen; it has an energy and looseness that he mostly left behind when he became Chuck Ragan, Serious Acoustic Troubadour.

Although I can't comment on their debut since I've never heard it, their follow-up Cough features some of the most grating vocals I have ever heard. The music is interesting, but the singing almost ruins the whole album. One of the most disappointing Dischord releases I have ever bought.

And apparently Terminator is better than Paris, Texas.

Hitchcock is British. The fact that he worked in Hollywood, using primarily American actors, does not make the films American.

Lynch sucks.

Birth of a Nation was pre-racist. Racism as a concept didn't exist when it was made.

Many of the Zatoichi drag a bit around the half-hour mark; it's usually the time that the central conflict is "fleshed out," which means some pretty blatant/rote exposition concerning dishonest taxmen, starving villagers, enslaved daughters, etc. Zatoichi is truly the lifeforce in all of these movies; without the

I thought that was actually one of the weaker entries in the set; while the exchanges between Yojimbo and Zatoichi were interesting, the rest of the film was a bit of a drag, despite the memorably weird all-male nude fight at the bathhouse. It's the longest Zatoichi film by almost 30 minutes, and you really start to

I watched the first three movies in early December, then took about a one month break (I had purchased a bunch of other Criterion releases during the B&N November sale, so I focused on those). I watched the remaining 22 films in a little over 2 months, never watching more than 2 per night (most of them are just under

I recently finished watching my 25-film Zatoichi box set. While the series remains consistent throughout, with not a single truly weak entry in the whole set, I'm definitely a bit tired of watching samurai/ninja movies (for the time being). Nonetheless, the Zatoichi box is still very much worth buying, especially

So you're saying that it's impossible for a black person to be in a position of power over a non-black one?

We Did Not Know the Forest Spirit Made the Flowers Grow is a million times better than anything by Lorde. But the fact that you are in a position to evaluate the worth of a Lorde album demonstrates that you obviously have pedestrian taste in music.