echos myron

Not kidding: Cole Alexander has a side-project called The Spooks.

Most of the vocal tracks on the album were mixed way too low. "Terms of Psychic Warfare," one of their best pop songs, would be twice as good if the backing vocals stood out more.

Because he sucks? His videos are often visually hilarious, but his parodies have no bite, 95% of his original compositions blow, and the man has never written a song that legitimately rocks. Just look at how he sucked the life out of "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Of all the Husker Du albums that need to be reissued/remastered, why would you single out Zen Arcade? New Day Rising sounds much, much worse; many of the songs are unpleasantly trebly or thin, and the vocals are constantly muddled. For example, pay attention to the verses in "59 Times the Pain": http://www.youtube.co

I have the first two books in that series. Coville also wrote four books about kids who discover that their teachers are aliens (which Wiki designates as the 'My Teacher' series). I read Coville before getting into R.L. Stine, which is disappointing as Coville was the superior and more nuanced writer, even though I

Other YA series which should be included in Memory Wipe:
-Strange Matter
Also, can you please make an entry on Z-Bots?

I've just read three Cinnamon Bunzuh entries, and must say that I'm quite annoyed by the sarcastic chat room-style exchanges that comprise the majority of the reviews. They make for a jarring reading experience. The one truly excellent blog about YA novels that users should check out is Blogger Beware, a blog that

Directed by Neeeeeeil Hambuuuuurger!

Ha! Rashad Evans, an "aspiring rapper."

In 2002, Maura Davis was the sexiest woman in all of music. Denali was never a truly great band, but they did write 2 or 3 great songs: "Gunner," "Normal Days," and arguably "The Instinct."

The victims were only WHITE people!!!

They're not actually starving; they're just in serious training for the next Boston marathon.

How much do you all want to bet that the driver is an ethnic minority who couldn't even name five Guided by Voices songs?

The exploration of the underground castle was amazing, but I thought the actual confrontation was a bit of a letdown, what with the lucky last-second headshot. And the last 10 minutes were just kind of…there. I'd give it an A- at the very most.

While I love the majority of SST's classic 80s roster, Dinosaur Jr. is the one band that has never truly clicked with me. They were the last seminal band from SST that I delved into, which is probably why I don't see them in the same light as Husker Du, the Puppets or the Minutemen. I blind-bought their 2007 album

"The Science of Myth" and "What We Hate" are better than "My Brain Hurts" in every way. Those two songs are the smartest ones Ben Weasel ever wrote, followed closely by "Claire Monet."

You are completely fucking insane. Ben's songwriting and lyrics nosedived after Anthem for a New Tomorrow.

Even my grandmother has heard those albums.

Jawbreaker dabbled in so many punk-related genres that labelling them as simply pop punk does them a disservice.

I want to like Pansy Division, but I don't think their songwriting is all that good. "I Wanna Be a Homosexual" by Screeching Weasel is more essential, effective, and catchy than any PD song I've ever heard.