Lesbian bondage fiasco

Was no one…
in this episode concerned about fingerprints?

When Brock was rushing back to the compound I thought that it would have been an awesome way to end the series if the blackhearts ended up killing everyone. However I wasn' t disappointed because Rusty ended up saving everyone in the most asinine way possible.

I thought
it was a little out of character for Olivia to be distraught after shooting the shapeshifter.

I for one
am glad Stewart didn't tell people to vote or endorse specific candidates. While he and Colbert have definitely always had a left-leaning slant, they've never really thrown their weight behind any politician or political platform. I think comedy is most effective when its outside looking in. When they

I went to a small high school (less than 120 students in my graduating class) in a conservative Christian town. They taught a 'marriage and family' class but the closest thing we got to sex ed was watching a video of a woman giving birth in health class. There were also eight pregnancies by graduation if I remember

Seen your video! That phoney rock n roll!
That pretty sums up most of the NOW! songs

So can anyone explain to me…
what Hatred and White were doing in the panic room?