
That's hardly the case.  The re-evaluation of Ram began over 20 years ago.

That's hardly the case.  The re-evaluation of Ram began over 20 years ago.

I agree. It's surprising, because Friday Night Lights used music so beautifully. They were able to pick great songs to heighten dramatic scenes without being in your face about it. On Parenthood, it's just over the top at times.

People actually think Lauren Graham is not a good actor?

"if you think that payroll isn't a factor in the NBA, the people of Cleveland would like to have a word with you. "

I like Bilas as well. He's by far the best analyst on ESPN. He actually uses logic to back up his arguments. The person they really need to get rid of, before even Dickie V, is Digger Phelps. The guy is full of non-sequitors and is incapable of putting two coherent sentences together.

Bill Packer is awesome
you jerk off!

So you're saying that paid professionals play the game at a higher level than college students?

So is this the highest graded show of the TV season so far?
Besides the premiere, no episode received less than an A- (and yes, I know it doesn't really matter).